The Talk between enemies

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A day has passed after the USJ and midoriya can be Seen blowing up a gang of sinners with a ki blast.Setting fire to the area around.This group is responsible for murders of several couples in the area.A passing by hero spots this and runs away,not caring about the destruction or if there could be survivors.Midoriya sees this and grows angrier,he teleports infront of the hero and uses his hand as a ki blade to stab through there leg making them fall.

Midoriya:Filthy mortal thinking you can run from a perfect being like me,it's insulting.

Pro hero:Please spare me I won't tell anyone I pro-

He screams in pain when he's stabbed again in the other leg.

Midoriya:Shut up! You are a fake!Your sins increase more every breath you take! So now you must atone... with your life.

The camera changes to a in air side view. A man that resembles midoriya is seen in the air wearing a black gi,black unruly hair,and a halo above there head. They're watching as they hear screams in the distance coming from the person midoriya is stabbing.The man has a mix of amusement yet at the same time a little shocked.

?:Oh dear me, help me.


The man turned around towards the voice and saw 3 people a short male with a black widows peak, a boy with blue hair with a sword in his back, and a male that looks just like the black gi'd individual except wearing a orange gi with a blue undershirt.

Black:(sigh) Now I gotta deal with this... a gods work truly is never over huh.

He turns to the 3 as he immediately caches a fist from hitting his face.

Black:You haven't changed one bit have you vegeta, last time you did something like this I stabbed you in the chest.

Black crushed vegeta hand before throwing him at the other 2.

Black:And I'd kill you mortals this time but fortunately for you,I'm doing something far more important then medal with you lot.

Vegeta:💢 and what would that be!? Trying to continue your failed project!

Black:Come over and I'll show you.

He said as he did the hand motion for them to come closer.They we're very hesitant but reluctantly did although still on guard for anything he'd do.What they see is a destroyed building and bodies littering the street.The blue haired boy gets angry, thinking black caused this but before he could say a word, Black spoke.

Black:Before you ask trunks, no I didn't do this.

Trunks:Then who!?

He said not believing anything the genocider in-front of him says.Black turns and points to the east,the turn to see fire and flying atop of the smokestack was midoriya.

Goku:What's that thing?

Suddenly Black moved behind goku at a speed none could track and put a ki blade a inch from his neck.

Black:💢Ever call my son a 'thing' again, and I'll do far worse then just kill you family. Understand mortal.


Black retracted his blade and went to where he was previously

Trunks:W-wait a damn minute, did you just say Son!?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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