3. The Second To Last Call

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Today, you practically jump as the phone rings. You dash for it quicker than you'd like to admit.

You'd been reading a novel to distract yourself. It was a good one, one of your favorites, but hearing the phone vibrate against your nightstand sent you into a whirlwind. You're stupidly excited.

You've been excited since early this morning, hoping the package you'd sent to 'Mr. Fahrenheit' arrived. He'd already called during one of his breaks, but you left him a note in the package that asked him to call again. You also said it'd be free...

You've already given him an insanely large "loyalty discount". If you did this kind of thing before, you'd be out of business. But god, you can't help but feel guilty for charging him for the highlight of your weeks. He still tips to almost the full amount, but you sleep easier knowing that it's his own doing. He insists that he's happy to give you the money.

As you expected, The phone rings.

"Darling," oh shit. He's already moaning at you.. "Darling, is this all for me?"

You grin. "Of course! Consider it a complimentary gift, since you're such a loyal, and fantastic, customer." You love how pleased he sounds already, rustling around in the packaging as he goes to take off the box. "Do you like it?"

"I couldn't have asked you for a better gift shit-"

Mr. Farenheit is losing it. When he got home and saw the plain box, he was wary. But he took a peek at it, noticed the sender was "Kitten ;)" and promptly lost his mind. He grabbed it and was indoors tearing the brown box open before he could blink again. When the second box was exposed, he let a full body shudder wrack his frame. When he saw the note, he couldn't call you fast enough.

You'd sent him a fleshlight to use when he talks to you.

Not just any fleshlight, either. A full kit. It has parts he can't even name, so obviously he needs your help figuring out what half of it is. He also needs your voice in his ear as he fucks it so he could imagine it was you, but whatever.

Mr. Farenheit is worked up just thinking about you going to buy this specifically for him. You picked out the texture, the size, even the lube? He's nearly hard before he could dial. He was a little worried, last week, when you asked if there was an address you could use for his payment info. You were saying that something in your books was off. He gave his real one, very hesitantly, but he trusted you. Maybe too much. Seeing why, now, though, he's ecstatic.

"You've got to talk me through this. Both getting it ready and cumming inside of it," he demands.

He hears your chuckle through the line. "Okay. I'll warn you now, you're gonna want to wash it before you plug in the warmer."

His head tilts. He likes the sound of that. "The what?"

You describe the long black thing with legs in the package. He takes it out. "You put the sleeve of the fleshlight over it so it's nice and warm. It'll feel way better that way, I'm told. Like a real pussy, sir."

You talk him through washing the sleeve of the fleshlight and drying it with the special cloth he found, then slipping in onto the contraption and plugging it in.

"Okay, that's done. Do I just wait?" Mr. Farenheit asks.

You chuckle. He loves the sound. "I'd also suggest putting the bottle of lube...the water-based one in there? See it? Yeah, put the bottle in a bowl of warm water. Helps too, and you'll need it."

"You're a lifesaver, kitten." He replies. He's even more grateful when he has the warmed sleeve in front of him and the lube next to it.

"Listen to me, okay? Don't just fuck it as-is," you say, and your gentle instruction intrigues him. It's kinda hot. "Put the sleeve back in that plastic tube, but leave the top cap off. Then turn it over to look at the closed end. You see the dial?"

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