Chapter 24

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The guards and Sadie rushed to where they needed to be as Hannyabal and the group of guards needed to stay there stayed.

After Magellan got out.

"Straw Hat!" He growled.

"They'll -

"You will."

Magellan gasped as he looks up.

He sees Wild Berry glaring at him.

Eyes filled with rage.


"Yes, me." She smirked at him as she landed in front of him.

"Don't study her. I'll take care of her! Just go and do as I said!" He yelled at Hannyabal whom was behind him.

Hannyabal nodded as he rushed back to the guards he was with.

Magellan looks at the very large woman in front of him.

"So you're one of the children Army had with Roger?"

Wild Berry sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Do I look like Roger to you, fucking idiot!" She stated in a don't care don't cater attitude.

It was not long until the two of they were fighting each other.

Magellan was delivering deadly blow after deadly blow. It caught her many times and injured her badly.

Wild Berry kicked at Magellan's hand to the ground to avoid it… but this caused the stone beneath their feet to crack and break apart. With a loud crashing and banging, the entire structure was falling apart and the bricks were tumbling downwards towards the fire, along with Wild Berry.

Magellan jumped back over to where she was still panting with her body covered in smoke and the remains of the wall. He slowly approached, as if he was hoping to draw out this moment of terror…

Only to find her healing her wounds.


"You might be a poisonous man but I can heal any of my injuries!" She huffed, she was getting tired.

"You still have no intention of giving up?" Magellan asked as he came closer.

"No, not when my cousins are in danger!"

"Well then I'll send you with them!!" He yelled going for her.

Wild Berry got up and landed a doubt fisted punch right to Magellan's stomach. The blast was so strong that it finally sent Magellan to his knees, coughing up poison and blood.

Wild Berry's leg was dripping poison onto the floor like blood…

She sighed as she healed her body once more. If she injures Magellan enough, she'll be able to make it to Ivanov to see Luffy.

Magellan was getting to his own feet. Breathing hard, he glared down at Wild Berry, seemingly unable to speak for a moment.

"To think you could bring me to my knees? A wild animal is a frightening thing when cornered. No matter… the poison covering your arms will be more than enough to kill you." Magellan said harshly.

"You marines are fucking shit!" Wild Berry hissed out with so much rage.

"You say that you are protecting the people but it's the people who you asses are hurting the most by following the Celestial Dragon's every wish. What else are you two faced assholes going to do for them again? Kiss their nasty feet! Lick their ass after they shit because that's the only thing that I hear from your damn mouths! What have you guys done for the people other than force them into slavery!" Wild Berry yelled at Magellan.


"Shut up!!! All you damn disgusting marines love to do is blame the pirates for everything! Did they enslaved the Fishmen! No! Did they enslave and kill many people! Yes but not as much as the Celestial Dragons have!" Wild Berry screamed as she grabbed Magellan by his neck.

"I rather die than be an ass licking marine like you! " She spat in his face.

Magellan stared at her as she chocked him. He could feel the life leaving him. Even as the poison burnt her. Wild Berry was a strong fighter, she was going to kill him.

"But I don't want to be like you." She said calmly as she dropped him and he landed on his butt.

"Pirates like us have standards and I don't kill others even if they are the worst of scum." She smiled at him before she dropped to the ground.

"Are we -" Magellan started before shaking his head as a cloaked figure picked up Wild Berry and teleported away.

"NO -"


"Good work, Wild Berry. I think you broke his way of thinking." The figure said to her.

"Thank you, mother. Mama, why can't you just teleport Luffy to Ace now?"

"They have sea stone in there, I'll be weaken if I try to go there. Even if I was able to get Ace, I'll be unable to teleport away because of the sea stone weakening me." Army explained.

"How's -"

"Everything is okay just Who Who's and Page One are giving us trouble."

"I see!"

"I'm going to put you with Ivanov and the others after the fight is done or if I sense that you need help I'll come, okay?"

"Yes, Mama."

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