"Happy Birthday Love"*

Start from the beginning

"No that's not the reason exactly" I say.

"Okay then why can't you give him that for his present? Believe me, it's a lot better than going out and spending money on something he might not like" Marlene says.

"Dorcas must be really flattered from you Marlene" I joke. "Also, I can't give him something he already has, bye." I add, walking out of the library.

"WHAT THE HELL?! YOU HAVE A LOT TO CATCH ME UP ON Y/N EVANS!" Marlene yells, getting scolded by the librarian afterwards.

I walked from the library to the common room, wanting some peace and quiet before Marlene and Lily come storming up to me asking questions. Right as I walked in, I saw James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus sitting near the fireplace.

"Seriously Mooney! You're the most difficult person in the world to get a present for" Sirius says. "Seriously may as well just wrap Y/n in a fucking bow and give her to you for a present!"

James and Peter laughed while Remus blushed and glared at Sirius. James noticed me.

"Speak of the devil" James says.

"Sirius I'd like to know why the hell you and Marlene had the same idea for a present to Remus" I say, going to sit on the floor next to Remus.

"Great minds think alike" Sirius says.

"Define great minds" I say, causing the other boys to laugh.

"All jokes aside I think that's every guys dream present, their girlfriend or boyfriend wrapped in a bow" Sirius says.

"I'm not wearing a bow first off" I say.

"Yeah because that's the first thing she cares about" James jokes.

"Piss off James, I'm not being a present for Remus" I say. "But I am struggling with something to get him."

"I already told you all that I don't need anything for my birthday" Remus says.

"Maybe you don't need anything, but I'm sure you'll want something" Sirius says, glancing at me.

"Sirius give it a rest, I'm not being a present" I say.

"Damn it there goes my present idea for Remus" Sirius says.

I roll my eyes and was about to throw a piece of chocolate I had in my bag at him.

"Hey now, don't waste chocolate, throw this book at Sirius instead" Remus says, handing me a book instead and taking the piece of chocolate.

Peter and James laughed as Sirius ran and ducked behind the common room couch as I threw the book towards him.

"For merlins sake Y/n! Don't kill me yet! I'm only 17!" Sirius yells.

"Sirius she only had one book, you can stop hiding" James says.

Sirius poked his head up over the couch to make sure James was right, then hesitantly moved back to where he was sitting before.

Just then the common room portrait was swung open and Marlene and Lily stormed in.

"Y/n m/n Evans!" Lily yells.

"Oh shit" I mutter.

"You have a lot of fucking explaining to do!" Marlene shouts.

"What the hell did you do?" Sirius leans in and whispers to me.

"Kinda hard to explain" I whisper back.

"How could you do that and not tell us?!" Lily asks incredulously.

"It's not something one would say in a normal conversation?" I say, it came out as more of a question though.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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