She was lifted a couple feet into the air before she was dropped into the purple window.


She hit the floor of the semi and groaned in pain. She rolled onto her back just in time to see Peter falling into the semi and landed right on top of her, knocking her out cold.

Peter attempted to escape the semi again. But, instead of jumping out of the purple window, his head collided with the roof of the trailer, knocking him unconscious as well.


Peter was the first to wake up. His eyes opened and he noticed that he had been passed out right on top of Kassidy. He stumbled up quickly and groaned.

"Owww, my head," he muttered, holding his throbbing temple.

"You appear to have a mild concussion,"

Peter stumbled backward into one of the racks of weapons, groaning again.

"Hey, so where am I right now?" he asked, looking around.

"I'm not sure... The container walls are hindering my sensors,"

Peter stepped back from the rack and looked around in fear.

"Wait a minute... They must have hijacked the truck and and taken us to their evil lair," he muttered, putting his hands out cautiously. "Okay, suit lady, we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one,"

Peter turned and spotted the door to the semi. He bent his knees and braced himself to break through.

"Three, two, one,"

Peter sprinted towards the doors and broke through them with ease. He emerged into a large warehouse with nobody in sight.

"What is this place?" he asked frantically. "Suit lady, where am I?"

"You're in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard. The damage control deep sea vault,"

"No! Seriously? Ugh!" Peter groaned, bringing his hands to his head.

A small groan was heard from across the room and Peter spun around quickly.

"Oh, shit, Kassidy!"

He rushed back into the storage container and kneeled down beside Kassidy. He took off her mask and saw that she was still very much unconscious.

"Suit lady, is she okay?" Peter asked, picking up Kassidy's face and observing it.

"It seems she has a mild concussion, several dislocated ribs and a slightly sprained ankle,"

Peter knew that the ribs and the ankle were from their first encounter with bird man, but the concussion was new.

Peter sighed before placing one of his hands under Kassidy's legs and one of them under her back. He lifted her into the air with ease and carried her out of the container.

Peter laid Kassidy down softly on the ground and placed his backpack under her head, trying to make her as comfortable as possible.



Stop it

"Kassie, you need to wake up,"

Kassidy's eyes opened slowly but she immediately brought a hand up to shield her eyes from the blinding lights that she was met with.

"Where am I?" she croaked, noticing Peter was sitting above her.

Peter scratched the back of his head and looked around a little.

"Uh, yeah, about that," he muttered.

All For You - Peter Parker [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora