Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Freddy had a rough summer. Everyday he thought about Summer and everything he had just so stupidly let go. He didn't want to break up, he just wanted to wait until things were less complicated for them. He meant it when he said he'd wait. Summer hadn't texted him in weeks, and the waiting was absolutely killing him. He hadn't been sleeping well for the past few nights, nervous about seeing her again. He'd tried to distract himself by getting his drivers license, learning new songs, playing video games with Zach and Lawrence, and working out, a lot. Nothing was helping the sound of her laugh get out of his head.

"Freddy! Hello Freddy!" Zach yelled in his ear. Freddy woke up with a start. He'd completely forgotten he was sleeping on Zach's floor.

"Zach, it's so early!" Freddy groaned.

"Well we got to go to school so wake up, prettify your hair, and let's go!"

"Zach, I just... I really don't want to go."

"Dude, I know it hurts now, but you can't avoid her forever."

"Can I try?"
"Not if you live here."

Freddy sighed as he got up, brushed his teeth, and ran his hairbrush through his hair. One thing that will never change is how long Freddy spent on his hair. Forty-three minutes later, he came out of the bathroom looking like a new man. He looked different, but it wasn't significant enough of a change for it to be noticeable. He wore a light blue button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a solid red tie. His pants and shoes were navy blue and his shirt was tucked tightly into the pants held with a black belt.

As he grabbed his keys, he looked for his jacket. As he found it, he remembered the day they all went to the Hey Violet concert and Summer wore it over her shoulders. He remembered the happiness in her eyes when he slid it around her. It was such an amazing memory, and even though he was upset with Summer, he never wanted to forget the look in her big blue angelic eyes. She looked so beautiful, every time he'd see her he would go out of his way to stare into her eyes, he could spend hours that way.

"Hey Freddy? You trying to like, set it on fire with your eyes or something?" Zach appeared behind him.

"We should get going," Freddy put the jacket in his bag. Today he was going to talk to her, no matter what. He needed to be able to look at her again. He could not live in a world where Summer, the nicest girl anyone could ever know, wasn't talking to him.

He and Zach got into Freddy's car, a gift from his mother, an apology for not being there when he turned sixteen. Almost a year and a half and his grandfather wasn't doing any better. Freddy was proud of his mother, but he still missed her terribly. They had to stop for Lawrence, who lived about two blocks from the Kwan residence. Lawrence ran outside and into the backseat.

"Sweet wheels," Lawrence complimented the car.

"Thanks, gift from mom," Freddy smiled.

"Are we really not going to talk about it?" Zach chimed in.

"Talk about what?" Freddy asked, even though he knew what was about to happen.

"How you and Summer dated for like a week and kissed, and we never knew!"

"It's not that big of a deal Zach, it happened. After I talk to her today and we air a few things out, we'll figure out what we want to do."

"What do you want to do?" Lawrence asked a valid question. Freddy knew what he wanted to say, he wanted to be with her openly. He'd never try to hide her from anyone ever again. That was their mistake the first time. A foolish thing to do now that he thought about it. Why would anyone want to hide the fact that they were dating the most amazing person in the world? A question that plagued him all summer.

"Whatever Summer wants to do. If she wants to get back together we will, if she doesn't that would suck, but that's what'll happen."

"So you're not going to fight for her if she says no?" Zach chimed in.

"Of course I'm going to fight for her. She's the only girl I'll ever want to be with." He pulls into the parking lot of the school, searches for a moment for a parking spot, then parks in the middle row.

"Besides, it's Summer, there's no way she's changed that much over the summer. She's been in love with you for years, there's no way that's changed," Lawrence gives encouragement. They walk into school and find Freddy's locker. He opens the door to find that all of his pictures of Summer are still there. He sighs lovingly, thanking the lord Gary the school janitor understands why those pictures were important to him.

"You're right, I need to see her."

"Woah," Zach says standing next to him.

"What?" Freddy matches his gaze. Woah indeed.

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