Ch 2

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 Footsteps paced quickly throughout the stone streets, shoving people to and fro away from the runner's path, a flash of green catching everyone's attention.

A green shroud covered their shoulders, dark clothes worn underneath with boots clicking on the brick beneath their feet. What stood out the most besides the color green, however, was the white circular mask worn on his face.

Shouts were heard from the distance. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a group of guards chasing after him. He lets out a breath. "They just don't give up."

He dashed into an alleyway, pushing through a couple shady folk to get to the other side of the alley. Jumping from box to box, he climbs over the metal fence that blocked passage to the other street, running into another alleyway. 

Behind him, he hears the footsteps of the guards much closer than before. Shit.

 Seeing that they have yet to be directly behind him, he looks around to see a passage into the sewers, which he quickly pulls open and slips through, closing the lid as he slides down the long, filthy pipe.

It doesn't take too long until he lands on a very thin walkway within the underground sewers, having to stand on the tip of his toes to keep himself from stumbling into the sewer waters.

He brushes himself off, shaking off any filth that he can get off his pants. "I hate doing that..."

Looking around, he sets off into a direction and takes out the bag holding the stolen goods. Inside were different kinds of arcane-like devices, all made by the kingdom's famous inventor: Sam.

 Everything that man has made has improved nearly anything and everything. To faster transportation, to ways to grow crops faster and in any weather condition, he's done more than anyone has ever done in this world. However, most of his creations weren't accessible to the public.

 Seeing them in his bag, the man couldn't help but let out a giddy giggle. These things could help them, and if not, they can sell for a pretty price. Maybe now he and his sister won't have to struggle anymore.


Speak of the devil. Looking up from his bag, he sees his little sister rushing towards him, stopping a few feet in front of him. She wears a similar mask to Dream's, but with a more mischievous look than a smiley face. It's currently lying on the side of her head on top of her blonde hair, showing her green eyes and lightly freckled skin.

"Did something happen?" Dream asked, stopping in front of her.

She shakes her head. "No, not yet. I heard shouting from the pipes, did you get caught?"

Dream gives off a small groan, rolling his head on his shoulder. "Yeahh..."

His sister gives off a humored scoff and a smirk. "That means I get to choose the next mission!"

"You're just going to choose that lame bakery," Dream grumbles.

"No I'm not! I have something else planned!"

"Is it the toy store?"


"Huh, then I have no clue then," Dream stated before walking past his sister, going to their little encampment.

 Hidden behind tattered sheets acting like a door was their home. Scraps of metal formed into a bunkbed, shelves, and makeshift toys crafted by his sister herself. On the wall on the small alcove was a sign glowing a neon green color, spelling the word "DRISTA". It's a little wonky, but his sister managed to make that with limited supplies, somehow knowing how to make a chemical that could glow a certain color depending on what you mix together.

He walks over to the table, which is a wooden board on top of crates, and places his bag on it. Drista runs over, reaching for the bag, to which Dream pulls it away before she could grab it. "DREAM! Let me see the stuff!" She groans.

"Calm down, you'll get to," he chuckles. "Let's just look at them first."

 Dumping them onto the table, the two start to scatter them around, looking at the device closely before putting them in three different piles: Useless, useful, and useable.

The useless pile will be the things Dream will sell off to the market, enough to get some coin in their pockets. Useful is for devices that can be used on missions or things they could use in the future, and useable was for things Drista could study. Something about his sister is that she's really good at crafting things. She's even made things that have helped on one of his missions in the past, and it's something he encourages her to do.

 He plans to enroll her into an academy, a place for her to grow her knowledge and become even better than Sam ever could, but enrollment required money, and that was something they struggled with. He'll get her in there, he'll make sure of it. 

Nothing will get in his way when he wants it.

807 words

Wowwee! Another chapter! Hope you like it :D

Happy holidays :)

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