Chapter 8 - You did what?

Start from the beginning

"Did you hear about what Harry did!?"

"Oh you mean when he knocked that kid out from..."

"Bashing him...yeah".

"I think he has problems honestly. I mean, if I was dating him, I would break it off straight away!"

H..Harry knocked someone out? Harry? My Harry? When?

"Yeah it was like three days ago".

I guess that answers my question. How could he do that? How could he not tell me? I could see something was bugging him. I knew something was bugging him..and he still didn't tell me. But why? Why did he do it? I felt anger and sadness rush through my body.

"Niall?" I looked over to Zayn who had a worried look on his face.

"I...I'm f-fine". He knitted his eyebrows together.

"Niall..." Before he could say anything else I had gotten up and started walking over to Harry. I don't know what exactly I'm doing, but I'm pissed. I'm boiling with anger inside of me. I'm fucking angry!

"Harry" I growled. Harry and his friends shot their heads to me and Harry looked confused. Everyone did really.


"I need to talk to you". I started walking away and heard Harry talking to his friends.

"Um, I'll be right back.." He slowly followed me and I stood still. I didn't care if anyone saw us. I really didn't. "What's up Niall?"

"What is this about you knocking out a kid three days ago!?" Shock crossed over his face and he looked..scared.


"I'm so sick of your petty excuses Harry!" I yelled. He looked ever more surprised as I went on. "I fucking asked you what was bugging you and you said you were tired!? We're meant to be in a fucking trusting relationship and you lied to my face!? I don't want to be around someone like you Harry. You fucking bash people and I hate that. I loathe you for that!" I could see his eyes starting to water but I didn't care. "I'm going home".

"Niall, I..."

"Save it". I spat back and walked out of the school. The truth is, I feel hurt. I've never lied to Harry before. I've never hidden something from him. I'm falling for him, hard. This just tears me apart. Knowing he wasn't sharing everything with me. Sure I wouldn't have been happy, but if he had an explanation and he had of told me right away, then I would've listened. I would've listened to what he had to say. But he kept it from me. That's what made me hurt the most. That's what made me boil.

I opened the front door and slammed if shut.

"Niall? What are you doing home?" I ignored mum, ran up the stairs and into my room, slamming my door shut. I slid down against my door and burst into tears.

Harry's POV

I watched as Niall walked away from eyes filling up with tears making everything a blur. I was frozen. I walked as quickly as I could to the toilets and curled up my hand into a fist. I slammed it to the bathroom wall, time after time as hard as I could. I felt hands on my shoulders, i tired to stop them from pulling me away from the wall

"Harry...". I kept on fighting them. "Harry, stop it". I knew it was Liam. I turned around and the tears poured out. I sobbed on Liam's shoulder. My knees felt weak, like I was going to drop on the floor if Liam let go of me. "What happened Harry?" I just shook my head. He rubbed my back lightly and I continued with the sobs. I couldn't stop myself. Niall just said he loathes me. My Niall. My adorable, sweet little Niall. He was so angry. I've never seen him so mad. And it was something I did. It was my fault. "Harry, are you okay?" He pulled away a little and I looked up to him, more tears filling up in my eyes. The bell went. Liam still held me up and we stood there, tears dropping down my cheeks. "Harry, what happened?" He had a concerned look in his eyes.

"Niall...he...he....somehow found out that I...b-bashed that kid and...h...he was yelling at me and.." I started to sob again.

"It's okay Harry". I shook my head.

"'s not. He said he doesn't want to be around anyone".

"Harry, he'll come around, it would've just hit him hard and he didn't know how to handle it. It'll all be okay Harry". We were silent for a few minutes. "How about I take you home?" I slowly nodded and Liam held me as we walked out of the school. I still felt weak. I could just collapse at any moment.

"Liam Payne and Harry Styles". Liam suddenly stopped walking and turned us around.

"Yes sir?"

"Where do you boys think you're going?"

"Ah, Harry's upset and I'm taking him home". I glanced up at the principal and he looked angry.

"Well I'm sure Harry can walk himself home". Liam stepped away from me and my knees shook. I fell to the ground.

"As you can see, that is not possible sir". Liam spoke, with a sarcastic tone. Liam helped me up and we started walking. "Harry..."


"Why can't you stand?"

"I-I don't know". Why can't I stand? Why are my knees so weak? I just don't know what I'm feeling right now. Broken, scared, shocked, hurt. I already miss him to bits. My Niall. But is he even mine anymore? Can I call him mine? Are we still together?



"Can you walk up the stairs?"

"I'm not sure". At that Liam had me in his arms and was walking up the stairs. He put my on my bed and walked towards my door.

"Do you need anything?"

"Niall". I sighed.

"He'll come around Harry. Just give it time". I nodded and he disappeared. Maybe I can try ring Niall? I grabbed my phone, dialed his number and put it up to my ear. Please answer, please answer, please answer...

"Hi you've rang Niall! I am obviously too busy to come to the phone right now *giggles* so leave a messageeeee!!" I sigh and hang up.

I've rang Niall about 50 times and every time I get his voicemail. I eventually put my phone down and closed my eyes. Soft sobs escaping from my mouth.

Niall's POV

I stared at my phone as it rang, and rang. I couldn't move. I don't know who is ringing me but I have a feeling it's Harry. I just can't talk to him right now. If I see him I know I'll be weak. I'll fail at standing my ground. But he could have an explanation. Maybe I acted too fast. Maybe I'll go to see if he's home. Yes, I'll do that.

I stood at Harry's front door, my hand hovering over the doorknob. I've knocked twice and there was no answer. Here it goes. I turned the knob and the door opened slightly. I pushed it open more and walked in, closing it behind me.

"Harry?" I whispered. Nothing. I walked up the stairs and headed to his room. His door is open. There he is, curled up on his bed, sleeping. I walked in and kneeled down. He had been crying. I can see the dried up tears on his cheeks. I pushed his curls back from his head and ran my fingers across his cheek lightly. He squirmed a little but stayed sleeping. "I'm sorry Harry". I whispered. I didn't want him to look like this. Broken. Hurt. Crying. I just can't stand it. I hate the sight. I jumped over Harry and lay next to him, wrapping my arm around his waist, pulling him closer. "I love you".


Hi guys!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) my computer is completely stuffed, so I will be updating via my phone/iPad. I have just started my last year of high school and I know it is going to be a really hard and stressful year, so it will be harder for me to update as often but I will try my best!! Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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