Drink or Dare

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hree bottles of dandelion wine later, the two could feel the alcohol overload getting them. What they drunkenly uttered were not words, but alcoholic blindness. Empty words murmured under a cloud, shielding reality from the couple. Were they a couple? What even was their relationship. It seemed like vapour, coveting a solid form, a definite confirmation of their love or mutuality. Was this state of scepticism a result of the copious amounts of alcohol they consumed, or the fact that at the start of their love interest, Kaeya and Rosaria had failed to establish a substantial understanding between them. Goodness, how their relationship was like the wind, impressionable yet indifferent towards change, a wisp of oblivion, coming surprisingly and leaving just as fast. Perhaps it was the wine, or maybe it was for the thrill of it, it was most likely the wine, the wine always screws everything up, but its leading-up to made the following events no less exhilarating.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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