7 ~ speed (mate, not drug)

Start from the beginning

He pecked her on the cheek, giving the younger girl an understanding smile. 

"Trust me I know. I have a twin sister and two female soulmates. I know."

"I thought Natasha and Yelena don't get periods?"

Moon had been told about the other women by Wanda, who Moon assumed were the same kind of soulmates as the twins and Thor and Loki.

"No, but there is always a few days in a month where they get angry at everything and barley ever move from their beds."

He took the stuff out of Moon's hands and before she could object he payed for them, placing them in a separate bag and walked out of the gas station with Moon trailing shortly behind.

"Why'd you do that?"

"I'm your soulmate, dràga, I'd do anything for you."

The brunette blushed and looked away, putting her skateboard back onto the floor and getting ready to leave.

"What you say we have a date now, you and me?"

"Now? Pietro it's three in the morning!"

"We can watch the sun rise and eat all of this junk food! It'll be fun!"

"I thought that was for Wanda."

She crossed she'd arms and laughed at her soulmate who was so desperately trying to get her to agree.

"I'll buy her more stuff.. and anyway, she won't wake up until three in the afternoon, it's fine!"

"..okay then, let's go."

Pietro picked Moon up and threw her over his shoulder, grabbing her skateboard and speeding away and putting her down on the ground.

They were on top of a hill that looked over all of New York. Moon stared in awe at the sight of all the lights from the buildings and the empty sky that looked over it all.

She enjoyed looking at New York through her window but it was never this peaceful.

Pietro set her board down next to her and sat on the other side of it, taking a small container of sushi out of the bag, it was one of the things he'd bought from the shop.

The silver haired boy opened it and placed it on the skateboard, using it as a table.


He handed her some chopsticks and she took them, going along with it.

"Thank you kind sir."

Snapping them into two and shifting in her seat, Moon turned to face her soulmate who copied the action and smirked at her.

"You should take a picture, post it on your Instagram"

He said, before shoving a piece in his moth, making Moon laugh.

"How do you know about my Instagram?"

"Tony found it after Bucky told us about you. We get notifications when you post and everything. Everyone's been stalking your account and had seen pretty much all your posts."

She blushed and took out her phone, taking a picture and posting it, tagging Pietro who leaned over and kissed her.



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