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And rest he did not. Not for one second did Harry stop thinking about Draco. Trying to figure out what he meant when he said those things to Myrtle became Harry's obsession. What could it mean? Besides, of course, the obvious meaning. But no, that couldn't be it... could it? No. There had to be other explanation.

That only made his being locked indoors worse. Impossibly, he felt even more desperate to leave the Dursleys'. He pictured himself leaving the house in many different ways. He imagined Dumbledore arriving and telling he'd take Harry somewhere else; or Ron once again showing up in his dad's Ford Anglia by his bedroom window to rescue him; or even he simply sneaking out and running away.

His imaginations were many, but in all of them, before he knew it, Draco popped up at some point.


When his rescue day came, he could barely hide his eagerness to leave. Of course, he didn't have to, since it was no secret that he couldn't stand another minute in the Dursleys' house. What was, however, a secret was that – subconsciously than consciously – one of the motives for his eagerness was that know he felt closer to the moment he'd be able to meet Draco, maybe confront him.

Of course he knew that leaving the Dursleys' meant nothing as to that, since he'd be nowhere near the Malfoys – and thanks god to that, too, he still hated all of them – but it was like being a step closer. Like leaving the muggles' house and going to enter, once again, the wizarding world made him be in the same plane as Draco, at least in the slightest, closer to him.


Harry's heart jumped in his chest at the sight of him. Hurrying up the street alone. He felt his heartbeat rise at the realization that the moment he so anxiously awaited might have arrived. He tried to calm his heart, though, and convince himself his heart wasn't beating fast because of Malfoy. Of course, Harry wasn't happy to see Draco.

"Wonder where his mummy is?" Harry said to Ron and Hermione who had seen him too.

Harry, knowing and loathing Malfoy, was sure the reason could not be innocent.

They promptly decided to follow Draco to know what he was up to and while eavesdropping on his conversation with Borgin there were moments in which Harry had to take a deep breath to keep himself from bursting into the store and punching Malfoy in the face. He didn't quite got exactly where the rage came from, he couldn't put his finger on exactly what solid motive did Draco give him to make him want to attack him at that moment, but he simple felt like he had plenty of reasons already. He just knew Malfoy was getting deeper and deeper in involvement with Dark Arts and evil plans, he could sense Draco following in his father's steps, and gladly doing so.

For all that, and many other things Malfoy had done, Harry wanted to punch him. As if in doing so he'd be punishing Malfoy in advance for all the horrible things he was to be taking part of, and almost as if in doing so he could somehow prevent Malfoy from taking part those things.

Harry, however, took more deep breaths, controlled himself, and listened on.


The conversation he, Ron and Hermione heard between Draco and Borgin was the beginning of the proof that Malfoy was involved in Dark Arts, but it wasn't quite that yet, so he needed to have the confession so that the rage he'd been nurturing towards Malfoy could be explained. He need a confession from Malfoy to explain his urge to punch Malfoy in the face to make it clear that that was the only reason for him to even be thinking about Malfoy in the first place, not something else.

He was determined to find out more; that's why, in the Hogwarts Express, when he sensed an opportunity, he couldn't waste it.


Draco had been feeling good about the news. It felt like a little compensation in the midst of everything, of all the unpleasantness that was going on in his life, with his father and all.

If only Potter knew. Draco would love to see Potter's face knowing Draco was starting brilliantly his way to a successful career of admiration.

When he noticed something strange in the train compartment, thought he saw a foot, he was sure it was Potter. Or one of his stupid friends, which would serve the same purpose, since they couldn't keep their mouths shut between the three of them. So Draco decided he'd allow himself to brag a little.


And there he was, the great Harry Potter, not looking great at all. Sprawled on the train floor, petrified. At Draco's mercy. He wanted to shove it in his face, shove it all in his face, all the glory he'd achieve, the validation, the admiration. He wanted Potter to see all that. To feel as powerless before Draco as he was just right now, incapable of moving.

He shoved his feet on the boy's face, felt the impact with his nose and heard the sound of the bone breaking. Draco tried to convince himself Harry deserved it, as he covered Harry's body with the invisibility cloak, closed the door of the compartment and left the train.

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