and the crazy thing is, i don't know if i'll feel that way again.

i know his world moved too fast.

and burned too bright.

but i just thought, how can the devil pull you towards someone who looks like such an angel when he smiles at you.

maybe he knew that, when he saw me.

i guess i just lost my balance.

how do you know when it's over? 

maybe when you feel more in love with the memories than with the person who used to stand in front of you.

i left, and i wanted you still, but you deserve someone who is willing to stay.

i will envy all the winds that get to still witness you.

you're everywhere but here and it hurts, your absence is like a missing limb. 

why is it that when the story ends we begin to feel all of it?

tell them i was the warmest place you knew, until the people turned us cold.

on the first day of love you wrapped me in the word special,

i want you to never feel guilty for starting again.

it has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. i learned everything is temporary. the moments. the feelings. the people. i learned love is about giving everything and letting it hurt. i learned vulnerability is always the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. 

i learned that all things come in twos. life and death. pain and joy. salt and sugar. me and you. it is the balance of the universe. this damn universe. it has been the year of hurting so bad but living so good. making friends out of strangers. making strangers out of friends. learning that ice cream and wine will fix just about everything. and for the pains they didn't fix, my mother was always there. 


a lot went on when hunter was gone, hmmm.

the end.

or is it?

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