chapter 24 Arrange work

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"I know, I know, Yueyue said, don't go to school to study, so you can take the exam later, what do you think, Nan, you tell your aunt, if there are real difficulties, the villagers will not just ignore it. Everyone can get together to discuss how to solve the problem, there is always a way."

Wang Meihua is afraid that Jiang Yinan will be delayed in studying. Unlike other women in the village, she feels that it is useless for girls to study. She has read books. She naturally knows the benefits of studying. Isn't she the director of women because she has read books? .

Jiang Yinan saw Wang Meihua look worried, and couldn't help putting away his indifferent voice, with a soft tone: "Auntie, I'm the only one at home now. I can't make ends meet. I brought all the textbooks back. The teacher also said that there was a problem and went to school. Ask him. I think it’s okay to come out and work. I want to feed myself first. As for studying, I won’t give up.”

  Listening to Jiang Yinan’s words, Wang Meihua felt sad. The child was too pitiful and so sensible. Thinking of the little girl who only knew how to play at home, she suddenly wanted to go back and slap that girl.

At this time, Zhao Yue, who was sleeping soundly on her Kang, frowned suddenly without knowing it.

  "Yinan, I have suffered you. Now that you have everything you want to do, do so. Let me take you to your uncle and let him arrange a quicker job for you."

  Jiang Yinan was dragged to the ground by Wang Meihua. Standing on the sill, Wang Meihua shouted at a crowd: "Captain, Captain."

   "Hey, here comes."

   "Yinan, wait," Wang Meihua patted Jiang Yinan's hand, and said to the person who walked up to him: "Master, do you have any easy work on our team?"

  The captain glanced at his wife, took a puff of smoke, frowned and said, "What do you want to do? Go to the back door? I tell you, there is no way, it's useless for anyone."

Jiang Yinan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a serious face, and his eyebrows were traces of years and years of hard work. In his memory, the uncle of the captain, who was not a few years older than his father, looked much older than his peers at this time. .

Wang Meihua has long been familiar with the temperament of her own man, and she didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, she pulled Jiang Yinan to the front and said: "It's not someone begging me to talk about it. It's the child Yinan. It's not easy for her to live alone and wants to work. Earn some work points and see if there is a job that suits her."

  Captain Zhao had a serious face, he immediately smiled when he saw Jiang Yinan, although the smile was a little ugly, probably because he didn't laugh all the time.

  "Yinan, aren't you studying? Have time to work?"

  Jiang Yinan explained to him the fact that he is not studying but taking exams.

Captain Zhao furrowed his brows and took a few puffs of dry smoke. Then, when Wang Meihua asked again, he said, "Yinan, it's like this. The work in the field is a bit too tiring and it's not suitable for you. Let me think about it. By the way, maybe you go to pull the pig weeds, just look at the cattle and sheep with the people over there, just don’t know if you mind."

As he said, Captain Zhao looked around, bent down, and whispered in front of Jiang Yinan, "But don't be afraid. The people over there are not bad guys."

   Jiang Yinan's heart moved. In his memory, the people on the pigsty side seemed to have been put into the team. There was an old couple and an old man.

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