Chapter 1 : The Spirit of Christmas Pasts

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The blinding light became softer, and Golden Boy was finally able to open his eyes to what was now standing before him.

He was stunned by what he saw:

A translucent, almost ghostly being with luminescent candles floating around him, the apparition was wearing a kind of winter dress with fir tree decorations and a holly wreath on his head.

But what was totally the strangest, apart from the clothes, was that the entity looked strongly like Astra.

A little too much, even.

Golden Boy, once the surprise passed, growled with irritation:

"Come on, that's all that was missing! Don't you have anything else to do than to come and bother me with your holograms and to rejoice in my failures as you do, you Super Wings?

- Nay! You've got it all wrong. Retorted the half-amused, half-aggrieved Astra spirit, I am not one of the Super Wings, but one of the 3 Christmas spirits! She said with a strong voice

- The three spirits of...wait, you mean there are two others like you?

- Exactly, and they are furious that you want to destroy Christmas just for revenge with your device, they will come soon after I discussed a little with you.

- So no way, I don't want to be disturbed tonight, and then you should make less noise or you'll wake Golden Wheels! Said Golden Boy checking that his, his accomplice was still sleeping, which was surprising considering the noise that the spirit and himself were making, was enough to wake up a whole house.

- Don't worry about him, he's sound asleep and since my presence is only visible to you, he'll have no idea what's going to happen to you.

- For me? What do you mean, for me? what do you mean ....

- Quiet! I haven't finished talking! said the spirit in the guise of Astra in her cavernous, yet threatening voice.

- Huh....right I...I won't say anything more. Golden Boy replied in a frightened voice

- What I want to show you, will perhaps change your way of seeing things. She finished by making appear a white and luminous circle thanks to her arm and her right hand, in the same way that the true Astra proceeded to make appear a portal or an object in hologram.

- Huhh...What is thaaaaatttt?" Golden Boy asked before being pulled into the luminous space, which inside looked like a time tunnel crossing the space-time.

After a few moments spent in the tunnel, Golden Boy landed in a catastrophic way, that he almost thought he was that clumsy Super Wings that was Donnie. Once he recovered from his emotions and straightened up, he asked the spirit:

"Where did you bring me? he asked as he saw a village buried in snow and completely dressed in Christmas decorations.

- Look at the one right in front, you'll get your answer later!" She pointed to something in front of them, letting out a hiccup of surprise to Golden Boy.

A Golden Boy looking just like himself was standing in front of a Christmas tree, helping the children decorate it with garlands and candles. He wasn't totally different from the one he is now, except that he remembers that at that time he hadn't modified his arms or added golden thrusters, he was just a simple plane that had the funny ability to transform into a robot.

The smile of this Golden Boy was bright, happy to help in this holiday season, the opposite of the current him, he thought as two children passed through him as if he was a ghost, he asked:

"Where are we? It looks almost like where I lived before!

- That's because this is your village. The spirit answered dryly. Where it all began for you before you fell into your obsession, I led you a few years ago where you were a different Golden Boy than the one standing right next to me right now...

A Super Wings Christmas Carol StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant