Bryce paused as emotion began to invade his voice and I glanced around, finding many eyes, including my own, clouded with tears.

"After she died, I... immediately thought that these get-togethers would be a thing of the past," he continued. "The thought of celebrating without her hurt more than losing her did, honestly. The thought of having to do all of this..." He motioned around the room. "Pull all of this together on my own, was daunting and sad to say the least. And when I started knocking around the idea of not having a party this year, another woman, very dear to me..." His eyes met mine, "reminded me that Hazel would have my ass if I even debated not celebrating all of you."

"Bailey took on this evening without so much as a blink of thought. She planned every detail, every decoration, every sparkling light, all on her own, just as my mother had before her. She never so much as asked my opinion, which, I admit, for me, was a bit hard to deal with, but I knew I had left our annual celebration in the very best hands." Bryce's eyes shone as he gazed at me, twinkling like stars under the stage lights. He swallowed and cleared his throat and turned his gaze back toward the expansive crowd. "You see, Bailey reminded me of the one thing I'd forgotten Christmas was about. It's not about the party, or the gifts, or the delicacies. It's about showing love to the people around you. Showing your heart to those that have made their place there. It's about honoring those that are no longer here to celebrate, but leave their mark on our hearts and in everything we do. Hazel Jordan may be gone, but her heart, her love, her admiration for every single one of you, will never die. I won't allow it to."

"This night is about celebrating all of you, no matter your status in this company or your position. Whether you're in the kitchen, behind the bar, or behind a desk at the office, there is not a single one of you more important than the next. I have always strived to make sure that all of us, from owner, to manager, to the dish crew, are treated with the same respect as the suits in the office. Because, when it comes down to it, there wouldn't be suits in the office if it weren't for those of you running tables every night. There wouldn't BE a Bryce Jordan without every single one of you bringing your time, your dedication, your heart into our establishments on a daily basis. I am so proud to call every one of you part of this family. YOU are the backbone. You are what makes this crazy dream I had at eighteen, truly work. You are what make it possible for me to expand without so much as a worry that the original things will go awry. You are what keeps me going and I am so very lucky that you all have decided that Jordan Group is a place you want to call home."

"As we approach the New Year, I know that there are many adventures waiting for us. I cannot promise that they will all be successful or that they'll all be kind, but I can promise that as long as we all have each other and work together as we have for all of the adventures behind us, that none of them will be in vain. Thank you for trusting in me to lead you. Thank you for giving me your time, your passion. Thank you for making Jordan Group the success that it has been. I couldn't have done any of this without every single one of you and this evening is only a mere snippet of my appreciate. Drink, dance, and have the night of your lives. Merry Christmas."

A chorus of 'Merry Christmases' rang out as the entire room raised their glasses to the man we all called the boss. Bryce onstage raised his, before giving the crowd a smile and heading back for me.

"How'd I do?" he asked with a beaming smile, brushing his lips against my cheek before taking his seat.

"You were amazing," I answered, inching my chair closer to his. "These people are lucky to work for a man that cares about them so much."

Bryce's smile only widened. "Just wait til they get their bonus checks at the end of the night."

I laughed as waiters began circulating the room with the first course. "Oh, I'm sure there will be some tears. You're a very generous man, Bryce Jordan."

His Christmas WishNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ