Merry Christmas

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Chloe-15 but 3 months younger than Goh.

No one's POV
Christmas time is here and the Journeys crew is all ready for Christmas. There are two Christmas tree one in the lab and a big one in the Pokémon park. Everyone helped decorate the trees and to them it was fun. Even Chloe helped with Eve putting the star on the tree in the lab. Over the past year she and Goh have gotten closer and everyone saw this. Ash being Ash was dense with his own love life but could see that Goh and Chloe had a good spark going. The only problem was how could it light, so Ash decided that he will try and get them together in secret without them knowing he set them up. Professor Cerise could also see the spark and was a little protective of Chloe but his wife helped him remember that she was growing up. He could still be protective at times but he knew that Goh would be the best possible person to date his daughter.

Goh's POV
I was getting ready for the day as it was Christmas Eve! I was so excited to be spending it at the lab. When I went to the kitchen, I saw the tree and remembered when we decorate near the start of December. I remember Chloe putting up the star with Eve and she looked cute. Wait! What! I don't know why I thought of Chloe but she kept being in my mind. I decided to just ignore it and couldn't wait until everyone was here. Since we got so close, Professor Cerise said that we all could celebrate Christmas in the lab and that my parents and Delia could come stay at the lab. Even his family was saying in the lab for Christmas. I started to think of Chloe again and thought that she may like me. I don't know though so as I say time will tell.

Ash's POV
I can't wait for Christmas, I love the holidays and Christmas has got to be my favorite. From my past travels I would always celebrate it with my traveling partners at the time. I learned that Christmas wasn't always about presents and that it was about spending time with your family and friends. Now I was trying to figure out how I could get Goh and Chloe together, I thought that mistletoe could work so I hung some where no one could see. I let all of my Pokémon have the week off from training even Lucario who was very reluctant at first. But I told him that after the week we would train even harder. I also can't wait to see my mom again as I have seen her in a while. She comes to visit every once and a while but I still do miss her from time to time.

Chloe's POV
I was so excited for Christmas, I love the feeling of getting together with your family and friends. Especially when I heard that we would spend Christmas in the lab with everyone. I have seen Ash as an older brother to me and Goh as my boyfriend. Wait! What! I just yelled out of my mouth. Thankfully no one was near me and I was just confused as why I thought that Goh was my boyfriend. I mean he is my best friend and we known each other since we were 5 years old. I decided to not think about the feelings for Goh but it just wouldn't go away.

No one's POV
Everyone had arrived and settled in the lab. Parker was playing with the many Pokémon in the park with Yamper. While the girls were cooking the Christmas Eve dinner. The four boys were wrapping presents that were for the girls.

With the girls (no one's POV)
As they were cooking they were talking about Christmas stories they had and some even embarrassing for Chloe because that were about her. Then Chloe's mom asked a question right out of left field.
"Sho honey have you had a boy on the mind lately" she asked with a smirk.
The other two girls knew what she was talking about due to them seeing the spark between Goh and Chloe.
"What? I do-don't have a-a boy on the mind" Chloe stuttered.
" Then why are you stuttering. Also I had the same look as you when I liked your father." Chloe's mom responded.
Chloe blushed and said that she did have a boy on the mind and didn't know what to do. All three girls smiled and told her that she probably likes the boy and if their smart they would like her back. This gave Chloe less nerves and she thanked them before going to play with the Pokémon. However before she left Goh's mom said that she could date her son to which Chloe blushed red as a tomato and the other two girls chuckled.

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