iii. all i want for christmas is you

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The city is going through flutters of activities for the awaited holiday, there are visitors dashing this way and that, stopping to stand in front of window displays. Friends and families excitedly conversing with their companions as they walk from one shop to another, despite the chilly weather. There are still some last minute shoppers, hustling past as they try to complete their shopping lists. Lights, knick-knacks and decorations are strewn about the different apartments and stores.

Asuka walks with his head down, hands in his track jacket pockets. His gym bag bounces with each stride forward, as he tries to avoid all the Christmas cheer with minimal success. For a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas, on the afternoon of Christmas eve, there are lots of people out and he's already had to stop short several times to not barge into people walking in front of him suddenly.

It's the Christmas warmth that has just never truly resonated with Asuka. Being raised in a strict household had made him a bit awkward with feelings and his family had never had much Christmas cheer. He grew up knowing that Santa wasn't real, and without any family Christmas traditions, so there was never much whimsical magic about the date for him. Despite their absence from this Christmas, it stings Asuka more than he'd like to admit.

It still chokes him up to think that he hasn't spoken to his parents after they rejected his passion of pursuing sports. It hurts him how Vani was dragged along as she defended him with his rash decision. His father had harshly declared him to not be part of the family and alas, the siblings were both adopted under their coach.

His friends hadn't meant anything with their casual questions about what he and Vani were doing this Christmas, curious if they were going back to the state to see their parents. Well, Vani planned on meeting them because unlike Asuka, she's been mending ties with them and the coach agreed to tag along. The thought of it still rattled him to think he wouldn't be seeing them now or really ever again.

So, Asuka did what he did best when it came to emotional things, by ignoring it and concentrating on badminton. After all, he had was on his way to being a first tier player soon. Just a few more seasons and he thinks he'll make it, but being second string right out of college was still impressive.

Now, Asuka is walking back from the gym after a long three hour session, Corey had hinted that there were going to be cookies and lots of sweet milky things, so Asuka had insisted on needing to work out.

At first, Asuka thinks to himself his plans on spending his Christmas alone but when Corey comes into picture, it all died in vain. Apparently, both of Corey's parents left urgently to visit their grandfather who fell ill, completely forgetting about Corey's existence. That previous night, Asuka remembers it vividly, how vulnerable and awkward Corey sounded on the line.

"Do you mind if I join you for Christmas?"

Of course, what kind of a heartless person would reject him?

Despite their months of friendship, it's surreal how coincidentally this year is his and Corey's first Christmas together, just the two of them. Asuka had tried to come up plans for Corey to visit his grandfather for the holidays, but the turtle stubbornly refused.

To say he is a good son who despises causing trouble to his parents was an understatement. Instead, Corey suggested to help to liven up the festive atmosphere in his apartment (in which Asuka is reluctant of).

Asuka rounds the corner of his block and sees his apartment building. Asuka and Vani both live in two seperate bedrooms, it's a bit nicer than typical college graduates can afford, but with Asuka's salary it had been a nice splurge to get something they could grow in for a few years without moving again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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