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From the moment he was born, Quirin knew his son was different from others. When he came out of his mother Ulla, who was delirious with fever and pain at the time, he couldn't deny that the single blue streak in the baby's hair was glowing. He swore from that day on to keep watch over him and kept the baby inside when he could.

To his relief, he soon learned, the glowing only happened when he was mad. Distress over wanting food or attention didn't trigger it but being put down when he didn't WANT to be did. That was an interesting conversation with his mother. Especially since they didn't know what could be the cause.

Quirin didn't tell her, but he had an idea of what it could be. He soon wished he did tell her, because she started contacting a friend of hers, Donella, that was into alchemy just like her. He really disliked it when the woman came over and started poking and prodding at the baby.

"It might not be safe to do any tests on him but, if we could take some of his hair, we could do tests on that." She suggested.

"Mmm, we could try that." His mother agreed, and gently used scissors to cut off a tiny piece of the sleeping boy's unusual streak before going to her workstation. Quirin sighed and looked at the baby, watching as the streak reformed like it had never been cut.

'Which means, even if we remove it, the blasted thing will show up again.' He thought bitterly. 'By the Moon, why my Varian?'


"Nothing seems to be replicating the glowing effect I witnessed earlier." Donella said thoughtfully as she examined the baby. "But, there is one place that might have the answers as to why your boy is glowing."

Ulla snapped her gloved fingers excitedly as they said in unison, "The Eternal Library!"

"We've been putting this off for so long, what better time than now?" Donella asked eagerly.

"I'll pack up!" Ulla headed for her room.

"Wait!" Quirin frowned. "But, what about Varian?"

"I won't be gone longer than a few months, Quirin." Ulla assured him, walking over and kissing his cheek. "The Seven Trials aren't that difficult."

"She says, when no one's actually completed them." Donella smirked with amusement.

"Oh, hush. I have great motivation to finish it quickly!" She picked up Varian and held him close. "I'll get to the bottom of this glowing business, my little one."

Quirin sighed. He could tell she wasn't going to change her mind. "We'll be here when you get back, then. Safe travels, my dear."

Ulla smiled and handed Varian to him before heading off to go pack.


She didn't return after a few months. Half a year later, Donella arrived in the middle of the night and grimly handed over Ulla's journal, her gloves and her goggles. She didn't meet his eyes as she whispered, "I'm sorry" and then fled.

With his beloved wife gone and Varian's glowing still a problem, he decided to allow no more visitors to his house.

His cellar was still full of Ulla's alchemy supplies. He put her goggles and gloves down on the worktable and locked away the journal in a chest before going up to secure the windows and doors.

As the leader of Old Corona, he obviously couldn't hole himself up inside. But, he could at least ensure that no one got in. He kept his sword sharp and his wits about him and kept Varian's crib in a room without windows.

The people were understanding about his wanting to stay home with Varian, seeing as he'd just lost his wife.


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