New rumor

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The next day came from the night before, exchanging messages with Nene. The morning before school starts, I see her. "Hi! Have you talked to him yet?"

"No.. I can't even find him."
"If I have a bet, probably outside on the bench."

"Oh, thanks. See ya Hanako!"

Hopefully whatever I tell her helps. I wish for them to meet at least. It's unlikely for the relationship to actually happen- wait do I wish for it not to happen? No, no I'm all for it.. aren't I?

"My, my you're thinking a lot!" I jolted from my spot and punched Hanako in his face.
"Shi- sorry, I didn't mean that!"

To my surprise he started laughing at that, allowing himself to fall to the ground.
"Oh fu- Are you alright!"

A small tear of joy forms at his eye. "What's gotten into you?" I let out a sigh and slowly start walking away, the bell is bound to go off any second now. Hoping for now I can at
least be let off from the unfinished cleaning.

By hurrying I got a bit of water on me. Small scales showing on my hand, "ah great!" I hissed under my breath.
"Kio!" I hear the soft spoken Nene run towards me.

"Hey- what's up? Did you- uh talk to him?"
"I was about to but some girl confessed to him."

"Ohh, sorry."

"No need, also what's that?" She pointed directly at my moist skin.

"Oh that? Its the after effects of a matchmaking thing."

"Matchmaking?" Her head turns at me quickly.

Well great going there, you dumbass she now has her eyes set on that instead. "I know that sounds like an easy fix to your problem, but listen if you fail to give it to your crush. Well, you're in for a hell of a ride."

No response, she stays still. Is she actually thinking about stealing it? It's a full on setback if it doesn't work.

"But basically, if only you swallowed it. Then you turn into a fish, and work for a mermaid." I finished speaking quickly.

"So, how are you a human now?"
"Well Hanako of course."

When being in class I mostly thought of everything I messed up at. How that measly wish to have someone to like me. Ends up in working for an apparition nontheless the seventh wonder of the school.

I look down at the floor seeing a mokke and hand it a piece of candy so it can be on its merry way.

A lot of people weren't listening in today and it was pretty obvious. Most likely cause of the new rumor or thing that appeared.

Yeah, the confession tree. I've taken notice how that makes people work wonders if they're fully desperate.


I immediately took a sharp gasp, I literally forgot what it feels like to be watched and how he can appear so suddenly. I don't want to look at him to draw any unneeded attention.

"Listen I need you to help exorcise that confession tree."
"Now why's that?" I mutter, starting out a sketch of his hat.
"It's actually pretty dangerous how it makes you believe you love someone."
"Yeah, I see that. Alright." I continue the sketch, still looking down.
"So don't feel confused or anything. But yeah we're meeting at the tree today. Which reminds me, I need to tell Yashiro. Byee." Just like that he left my sights.

Going to the confession tree, huh? I can tell it won't be the best decision he's ever made. Well I can hope for it at least not to end badly. Yeah that's all I can do. Hopefully no one heard me, or at least I wasn't loud.

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