The Girl Who Cried Wolf.

Start from the beginning

"Don't be scared, please. I just have a few questions." He gestured to the couch and the two of them sat down- well Skylar sat down and pulled Jay into his lap and the room fell silent

"Drink?" I asked, my voice cutting through the silence like a knife through cheese. The others nodded and I made my way to the kitchen, with a frown on my face. While I was filling three glasses with water a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Lukey! I haven't seen you in forever!" I laughed when Eden jumped onto my back and nuzzled my neck. "I missed you."

"Eddie, it's been like two days." I chuckled and Eden huffed.

"Exactly. Two days too many! How was your date, darling? I wanna hear all about it-" She was suddenly picked up and off my back and when I turned around I saw Lucian tickling her.

"Was the fairy being a pest again?" His deep chuckled filled the air when Eden huffed and rammed her elbow into his side.

"No, I wasn't." The future Beta just nuzzled her cheek and I saw a small smile play around her lips before the frown reformed on her face. "Stop being such a pup." She huffed and turned back to me. "Three glasses? Either you two are at it like bunnies already or we have guests." She stated and I swear I wanted to disappear in the ground already. I kept my cool expression on though and just shrugged nonchalantly.

"This girl from Oban came to visit; Kilyan invited her "to talk" as he put it. Help me with the glasses since you're here anyway." Eden grabbed the two glasses I couldn't carry and followed me towards the Alpha's office.

"She is also Skylar's mate." I whispered before we entered. I nearly dropped the water at the scene in front of me. Jay was hidden behind a very pissed off looking Skylar who was growling at Kilyan, who might I add was being equally as aggressive.

"What the fuck happened while I was in the kitchen?!" I demanded and they all jumped and turned their eyes on me. "Water?" I asked sarcastically and a demure and slightly pissed off looking Jay stepped out from behind Skylar's body.

"Yes please." She huffed and downed the glass in one. "They're being luidsears." She grumbled and I frowned at the foreign word but soon recognised it as the Gaelic for idiots.

"You speak Gaelic?" I exclaimed surprised. Most humans had abandoned the custom of learning the traditional Scottish language; this girl just brought one surprise after another.

"Yes." She grinned. "My mum and dad taught me." A sad look flickered across her face but it was gone in a second. I sent her a warm smile and turned back to the two luidsears.

"Okay, now to you two. What happened?" I growled and felt Jay stem her hands on her hips.

"He started-"

"-but he said-"

"-then he hit-"

"Not true!"

"SHUT UP!" I roared as the two wolves in front of me started talking at the same time. "One after the other." I glared at them and to my surprised they shrank back, lowering their heads in submission.

"With all due respect, Kilyan started asking rude questions." Skylark broke the silence and I looked at Kilyan for confirmation.

"Well, I wouldn't say rude-"

"You asked her if she was a TROLL!" Skylar roared and I saw them started to fight again so I growled loudly. They fell into silence immediately.

"Is this true?" I asked Jay this time.

"Yea- but it's not a problem, really. Like I explained to Sky-" She shot him a glare. "I have been accused of being worse than that." A sweet smile spread on her lips and I marvelled at her yet again. She was one special human child.

"Kilyan. What made you think she was a troll?" I turned to see Kilyan with a guilty look on his face.

"I just- she said some things yesterday-" I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, I-"

"OUTSIDE NOW! The Sprites are back." A guard wolf crashed into the office and left again immediately. We exchanged worried looks and ran outside quickly.

"Jay, I'll take you to the bunker where the pups are held." I grabbed her hand before she could object and shifted, taking her thin body between my jaws gently; she was tiny in comparison to my wolf and surprisingly I could hear giggles of excitement spill passed her lips. We reached the bunker in a heart beat and I shifted back, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder to carry her faster.

"She is staying with you guys. She is not to leave, do you understand?" I instructed one of the guard warriors staying with the pups. But before I could leave, Jay screamed and fell to the ground.


The fight was over by the sounds of it, but I was still in the bunker. I could only hope that everything was fine above ground but I couldn't leave Jay with wolves she didn't know while she was in this state. She was sweating and her body was twitching at random intervals while her breathing was erratic and uneven. Her eyes were the scariest bit though: they were wide open and staring at the ceiling sightlessly. Tears were running down her cheeks and she screamed and muttered and sobbed. I had carried her into one of the secluded rooms down here but the few times I was outside, I could see the scared eyes of the pups and the worried ones of the guards. I didn't know what to do and just hoped that the fight would be over soon and someone would come to help. I looked down at her thin body, her clothes sticking to her frame, drenched with seat and a pained grimace forced itself onto my features. I stayed by her side for a good hour while she was in this state, just holding her hand and giving her water every now and then.

Finally after what felt like an eternity the door to the room was ripped open and a worried Skylar rushed inside. As soon as he took her in his arms, she stopped screaming and twitching. her stayed glazed over and staring aimlessly for a second before she finally blinked and tried to focus on something in front of her. Skylar sobbed in relief and gathered her into his body, rocking back and forth. I was about to leave to give them some privacy when her hand stopped me.

"moran taing." She smiled.

"tha thu di-beathte." I whispered back and left the room quietly. I stepped into the slowly fading light of the day and looked around. There were injured wolves and fairies everywhere. On one of the stretchers I could make out Alanna, hissing and clutching her leg, I stopped briefly to make sure she was okay but she just ordered me to go find Kilyan. That had me worried and I ran through the settlement in a frenzy trying to find him. In the end I found him in front of the Alpha House; I sighed in relief when I didn't smell any of his own blood, only other people's but what had me stop in my tracks was the pungent smell of a particular wolf's blood on his shirt. His father's.


CLIFFHANGER~ ooh I wonder what happened to his dad? Is he dead? Is he still alive? We shall see in the next chapter!

okay so by the way~ moran taing is "thank you" in gaelic and that thu di-beathte is "you're welcome" but you probably guessed that from the context~

Also all the luck in the world to @LittleAsianPrincess~ GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS, KKOMAYA <3

aaaaaaand a special mention to @jays41 because ma main gal is in Seoul, Korea right now learning some Korean! Hwaiting! Miss you loads <3 (I'm still soon jealous >///< haha)

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