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Katsuki POV
"Halfie?" I said and looked behind

But no one was there, fuck I forgot he is gone I still looked at the photo frame that i was holding in my hands

I walked out of the dorm and went to mine, his dorm was 1 floor up from mine

"Kacchan?" Deku said from behind

"The fuck are you doing here?" I said looking from behind

"I heard some loud banging so I checked were that sound came from" he said rubbing the back of his head

"Tch, your just waisting your fucking life you know" I said and walked away

"You went in his dorm did you?" He said from behind

I stopped and turned around, looking at the green nerd

His head was looking down, I just stood there quiet

"So what if I did?" I said getting a bit pissed

"Just wanna say it" He said looking up and looked at me

"Your just waisting mine fucking time now!" I said getting angry and walked immediately away from him

~Next day~

3rd person POV

Everyone was in the class waiting for there home room teacher but there was no sign of Bakugou

"Where is bakubro?" Kirishima said walking towards the Bakusquad

"I don't know I just texted him but he didn't read it or texted back" Sero said who was sitting on Denki's desk

"I also texted him but no reply" Mina said who was worried about her friend

Than suddenly Aizawa came inside the room with his yellow sleeping bag in his arms, his hair was messy like always and had black circles under his eyes

"Sero get off of the table" Aizawa said looking at Sero

"Yes sensei" Sero said and jumped off the table and walked to his sit

"Alright problem children as you can see Bakugou isn't here, as you guys know we lost a dear classmate and that classmate was special to Bakugou" Aizawa said like he was caring for his students

"Bakugou isn't going to be here for the coming weeks or months I must say" Aizawa said while looking at the class

"So I want you problem children to care for Bakugou while he is a bit "depressed" I think, but still please help that kid" Aizawa said while doing a sigh

"Okay Mic" Aizawa said and went inside his yellow sleeping bag

"HEYYYYYYY EVERYONE!!!" Mic said bursting inside the classroom

~few weeks later~

Midoriya POV

It looks like its mine turn to dust free Todoroki-kuns room I guess, while I was walking to Todoroki-kuns dorm room I saw trough the window a white car pulling up

Some girl stepped out of the car and had a baggage in her hand

"Who is that..?" I said mumbling under my breath

I went down stairs to check who it was

"Ah! Midobro!" I heard Kirishima-kun saying my name

"Kirishima-kun! Did you-" before I could finish my sentence someone hugged me suddenly

"You must Midoriya!!!" A girl said who was hugging me tightly

"C-cant...Breath!" I said trying to say words while getting hugged to death

"Oh right sorry!" She said and walked away and went to the center of everyone

"Hello, I think Aizawa haven't said anything but, I'm your new classmate for class 1-A!" She said happily like a princess

"My name Aoi Najimi!" She said really bright but really bright

"What is your quirk?" I said while pulling out mine notebook ready to investigate her quirk

"Right! So mine quirk is bubbel water!" She said while creating some of it

"With my quirk I can make bubbles with water inside! I can trap villains inside the bubble they won't die from drowning ofcourse, the water can make people fall asleep in a deep sleep! It will take 1 hour when they wake up sadly" she said while popping it

"That's amazing!" I said while writing it all down in my notebook

"Thanks!" She said while her eyes were locked on something

"Who is that?" She said while pointing to Kacchan?!

"Bakubro! Your really out of your dorm!" Kirishima-kun said while running towards him

"Fuck off" I heard Kacchan saying while pushing him away

"Wait no way!" She said while running toward him

"You must be Bakugou Katsuki!" She said while hugging Kacchan tightly

"Who the fuck are you?!" Kacchan said and pushed her away from her tight hug

"I'm Aoi Najimi! I'm your new classmate!" She said happy

"Yup she is! Her quirk is really awesome!" Kirishima-kun said while patting her head

"Now you might be wondering how I know your guys name" She said while walking to the middel again

"Can someone guess?" She said while looking around

"The sport festival!" Uraraka-san said while jumping

"That's right! I watched always the festival because it was my dream to be here on UA and finally I'm here" She said while smiling like a freaking diamond!

"Aw that's such a sweet dream!" Ashido said while wiping tears?

"Midoriya! Were you okay after the fight against Todo-"Before she could finish her sentence someone interrupted her with a loud bang

"Don't you fucking dare say that name!" Kacchan said while getting angry and a bit of tears in his eyes

And he stormed off to his dorm, while Kirishima-kun was going after him

"W-what just happend? Did I do s-something wrong?" Aoi said while looking at everyone but they looked the other way

"How should I explain this.." i said while rubbing the back of my head

After I explained everything to her what happened to Todoroki-kun  3 weeks ago, she was really shocked and apologised immediately, even tho it was on the news?

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