the voices sounded almost familiar, but iwaizumi didn't pay it much of a second thought as he walked past in his own thoughts.

hearing the footsteps on the grass get closer as someone ran to collect the ball, iwaizumi glanced down seeing the ball next to his feet and picked it up.

"here," he said looking up to pass it to the person coming to collect it.

"iwaizumi? hey it's iwaizumi!"

iwaizumi looked at the person he was passing the ball to. it was takeru. how did he look so different in the space of two years. he had grown even taller and looked even more like oikawa than he did last time.

iwaizumi froze realising if takeru was here, the person he was calling to was him. iwaizumi's eyes shifted over to see oikawa walking over, not noticing him yet.

"what are you saying? i can't hear you from over ther—" he cut himself off when he realised what takeru was shouting about.

iwaizumi saw him, and he looked even better than the last time. he had a little sunburn on his nose and cheeks, but was still pretty tanned in all from being in brazil and argentina.

his breath caught in his throat, his mouth suddenly went dry.

iwaizumi couldn't find anything to say as he looked him up and down. he looked good, so good iwaizumi had to hold himself back as he composed himself, clearing his throat and letting go of the ball and letting it fall into takeru's hands.

he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"erm hey, didn't realise we were both back home at the same time," iwaizumi said awkwardly.

oikawa looked as though he was too stunned to speak, but hearing iwaizumi speak he straightened up and nodded.

"yeah," oikawa just said and looked away.

iwaizumi nodded and swallowed the large lump at the back of his throat.

god this was awkward.

and why did oikawa have to be looking so toned and tanned when he saw him. the one day iwaizumi hadn't done his hair or dressed in something more appealing than a sweatshirt and shorts.

"hey iwaizumi, why don't you play, you can do 2 on 2 matches, right uncle tooru?" takeru asked looking to oikawa almost pleading.

2 on 2? but there was only them two. but then iwaizumi realised there was a third, he had seen another person playing here with them when he was walking up here. however, this person was a mystery, he didn't recognise them from their silhouette when he glanced earlier. but then again he didn't realise it was takeru and oikawa until moments ago.

"i thought i should come over and see what all the fuss is about, what's going on?" a voice spoke in very broke japanese.

iwaizumi glanced up to the new voice, seeing a guy a little taller than oikawa stand behind him. he was buff, his longish brown hair pushed back and tanned skin almost looked golden under the sun. iwaizumi stared up at him with wide eyes, he had never seen this man before, and he definitely wasn't from japan.

who on earth was this guy? was he from brazil or argentina? where did this guy even come from?

"no need to worry manuel, just saying hi to an old friend," oikawa said turning towards him, he gave him a smile before looking to iwaizumi again. "right iwa?"

"yeah, just saying hi," iwaizumi said giving manuel a weak smile before looking back to oikawa.

manuel. iwaizumi heard oikawa mention him
before. wasn't he the guy he was seeing until they called it quits because oikawa was in love with someone else? so why was he here with him.

iwaizumi felt his heart drop into his stomach, looking at the two of them with his eyes dropping with a sad gleam. there was only one reason why he would be here right now with oikawa. and it wasn't what he wanted to think about.

"so are you? it'll be like old times," takeru said trying to convince iwaizumi to play.

iwaizumi was still looking at oikawa and manuel, as iwaizumi's eyes scanned down to see the hand on oikawa's waist. iwaizumi pulled his eyes away quickly to save himself the heart ache, looking to takeru quickly with a smile remembering he asked him a question.

"sorry, i have plans, maybe some other time," iwaizumi told him.


"he's busy takeru, he's probably going to see sakura," oikawa told him. "how is she by the way?" oikawa asked.

"she's good, she's in kyoto with her boyfriend," iwaizumi said.

good one iwaizumi, casually slipping in that you broke up.

oikawa furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him confused.

"what does that mean?" oikawa asked. "did you two break up?"

"yeah, a while ago actually," iwaizumi said nodding.

oikawa glanced up and down at iwaizumi suspiciously, almost as though he was trying to suss him out. iwaizumi just stared at him softly while trying to ignore manuel's lingering presence behind him.

"oh i'm sorry, when did you guys break up?" oikawa asked him.

"the day you left actually," iwaizumi said, hoping what he meant by that oikawa understood.

and oikawa did. as oikawa stared at iwaizumi after hearing those words, he could see the realisation hit him while he stood him. oikawa suddenly looked away from him and coughed pulling everyone's attention away from the awkward conversation.

"anyway, you better get to your plans, come on takeru, you need to practice your spikes," oikawa bosses him grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him away from iwaizumi.

he protested a little but soon gave up when he was walking away with his uncle. manuel gave iwaizumi a confused look before following behind. while he stood and watched the three walk away. he realised this was his second chance, and he wasn't about to let it go to waste. sorry manuel, but you were about to second once again to him.

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