Before we begin

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Okay I've been meaning to make this for a while and I thought I had unpublished the book but alas I forgot:

This book ( as of now) contains sa which I think I may edit out to be less grim cause I feel in-comfy with specifics

1. Yes it is based back in time but I am a firm believer in the fact that if your story has magic then you don't need to add women being sa for historic accuracy. However it is in this book, ( not for accuracy,) but I understand if you think that is contradicting or hypocritical and I respect that as I know where you are coming from as I believe that too.

2. This is a prequel but the other book is unpublished as of now. I do plan to continue this book but I want to edit it, but just the mere thought of writing and continuing this story makes me want to cry.

I hope you like this story, viewer discretion is advised.

I hope you hold off on reading this book until I edit it which you will know I'm done editing as this line will be gone ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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