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Amber POV

ITS GRADUATION DAY!! Im finally graduating high school. Its been one hell of a show but we made it. I wouldn't have made it through without my girlfriend, Kierra. Me and Kierra have been dating since freshman year. Our relationship has been great except for one thing no one knows about us except for my family. Now I know youre thinking like how can no one know its been 4 years. Well Kierra has been scared to come out since her parents are preachers, which i fully understand, but I dont wanna hide us anymore. Anyway my makeup is done so I guess its time for me to get dressed. After I got dressed I left out to head to my school. Our field was pretty big so they just decided to have our ceremony at the school. Surprisingly I haven't talked to Kierra all day. She hasnt called or texted me and when I called her she aint answer. I dont know whats wrong but I hope she's good. When I got to the field, I went to sit in my chair. Im little worried because Kierra hasnt shown up yet and its about to start.

Kierra POV

So im late for graduation. I woke up late and my girlfriend Amber keeps on calling me but I can't answer at the moment. She probably gonna cuss me out when she sees me but oh well. Amber and I havent been seeing eye to eye lately because of my parents. We've been dating since freshman year but no one knows except for her family. I havent told my parents because they want me to be with a man but i love women. I love Amber. She says she understands my situation but she doesnt want to hide anymore. I really hope she doesn't leave me because of my parents. Anyways im finally at the school. I hurry up and get to the field and to my seat. Since Amber and I aren't that far apart I seen her as soon as I sat down. She looked at me then mugged me. Yeah shes pissed at me. As the ceremony ended we were allowed to go back to our families and take pictures and all that jazz. Before I went to mines I grabbed Amber arm and pulled her to the side.

"Hey babe" i said to Amber.
"Why are you upset with me?"
"Im fine."
"You're not. You mugged me as soon as I sat down."

She was clearly upset but before anything was started I just nodded my head and she walked away. I went back over to where my mom and dad was. They took my pictures then I took some pictures with friends. As I was walking I seen Amber and her family walking towards mines. Nothing bad will happen unless they call me daughter in law. Amber's family knew about us and that was it. Amber wasn't paying any attention to what was bound to happen. My heart started beating fast as hell once Amber's sister Ashley said hey sister in law. I went to hug her and Amber looked up. She spoked to my mom and dad then went to the side since me and Ashley was talking.

"Kierra why did she call you sister in law?" all i wanted to say was not right now but i didnt
"Its just a term we use mom"
"Mhm. You and Amber arent dating are yall?" i wanted to say we were but i just couldn't.
"No mama we aren't dating"
"Whew okay."

I seen Amber turn bloodshot red once I said no. Ashley stopped talking to me and grabbed Amber. I really didnt want to answer the question. I felt really bad about what I said. My family and I all went home. I called Amber but she aint answer.

Amber POV

Im hurt. I've never felt this pain before. Kierra looked her mom dead in the head and said we weren't dating. She kept calling but i keep declining them. I dont wanna talk to her. After a while I answered her call.

"What do you want Kierra?"
"Look Amber im sorry."
"Okay I dont give a fuck. Anything else?"
"Im truly am sorry I just couldnt tell her"
"I dont give a fuck Kierra. You just told your mom and whoever else was right there that we werent dating when we've been dating since freshman year. Youve had since freshman fucking year to say something to your parents and you didnt. You had my family's support if your parents kicked you out for telling them but you still didnt say anything. So like at this point im done with you. Were done. Enjoy your life. Goodbye."

And with that I hung up. My sisters came in my room with tissues and snacks and we watches movies for the rest of the day. Never knew my graduation day would end like this. Congratulations to Kierra for ruining my day.

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