The yearbook Season 10B episode 17

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Previously on "Abigail's Hospital"

Chase-Gerard knows about Wyatt.
Rhyme-It's complicated.
Quinn-Looks like sweet little Rhyme isn't as innocent as she looks.
Chase-I lost my friends.

*Abigail's Hospital*


*Wyatt sits down the yearbook of the year Abigail's Hospital had a fire*

Rhyme-You have to be honest with us.
Abigail-This is a story about five friends. Chase, Corki, Skipper, Aster, and Isaac. They all didn't make it out of Hospital. Whoever works at this Hospital, never comes out unharmed.

*Abigail points at all their pictures*

Abigail-It was horrifying. Hearing Aster's screams. We didn't know what to do. It took the fireman two hours to come, and they live up the street.

*Wyatt starts flipping through the pages of every yearbook at Abigail's Hospital*

Rhyme-What's wrong?
Wyatt-Everyone who died has a dedication page. Why doesn't Aster?
Abigail-That is because she's alive.

*Argent Bunker*

*Three werewolves are getting electrocuted*

Schrader-Music to my ears.
Theo-Not mine.

*Schrader electrocutes them more*


*Schrader stops*

Theo-You are such a jerk at times. You stupid Eichen Orderly.

*Schrader looks surprised*

Theo-Yeah I remember you. I guess they caught you sticking your patients with other things then needles.

*Schrader electrocutes them some more*


*Schrader stops electrocuting them, then Theo looks down and sees that the plastic straps that was keeping them on the fence is starting to melt*

Theo-Turn the dial up some more.
Tierny-Please tell me you are lying.
Jiang-I hope he is.
Theo-I'm not. TURN IT UP.

*Schrader turns the dial up to MAX level*

Jiang-Please don't.
Tierny-Please, we are begging you.

*Schrader starts electrocuting them, then as soon as the plastic strap is melted, Theo breaks free from the fence, and Schrader now scared drops the controller and Theo knocks him out*

Tierny-Can you set us free now?
Theo-I'm thinking about leaving you for dead.
Tierny-Please don't.

*Theo rolls his eyes and sets Tierny and Jiang free and he puts Schrader onto the fence*

Tierny-We need to get out of here.
Jiang-And go where?
Tierny-To see Christopher Henry.
Theo-You mean Chase.
Jiang-You know who we are talking about?
Theo-Yeah. We're friends.
Tierny-Take us to him.
Theo-Why should I?
Tierny-We are the last of Satomi's pack.
Theo-Oh my god.

*Theo thinks about how Brett and Lori died, and he lets them come with him*

Theo-Fine. But I drive.

*Theo takes the keys, and then he turns on the electric fence keeping it on while Schrader gets electrocuted to death*


*Police cars comes swarming around Tierny, Jiang, and Theo*

Jiang-What is going on?
Tierny-I don't know.

Abigail's Hospital Season 10 part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora