Chapter 9

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He stopped by the side of the building, and she nervously tugged at the straps on her bag.

"I don't get it. You don't ever stay with the girls. Why are you so upset I left?"

"I didn't sleep with any of the girls Marinette. I slept, with you."

She snickered before she could stop herself, and she quickly covered her mouth. That probably wasn't nice.

"No it's fine. Laugh it up."

"Sorry. It's just hard to believe. I doubt you take them somewhere to sleep it off."

He ran a hand through his hair, his gaze never leaving hers.

"No. We did some stuff. But I never slept with them. They never saw me naked and they sure as hell didn't see my equipment."

Her blush flared up again, and she turned her gaze to watching the street.

"I don't believe you."

"You don't have to. I can prove it."

Oh god, what if he had videos or something perverted? Is that the proof he has? She can't watch that.

"Wipe that look off your face."

He hooked his finger under her chin, making her lift her head to make eye contact.

"You know some of the girls that I went home with, don't you?"

She nodded, her heart aching again. She always knew. Those rumors stuck with her for so long, and the girl's names even longer.

"Good. Go up to one of them and ask if i have a birthmark."

She shook his finger off, leaning back against the building.

"That doesn't prove anything. She may not have seen it, or was too drunk to remember."

"Maybe one of them. But not all of them."

She closed her eyes, sighing. She would ask a couple of them. But she sure as hell wasn't going down the list.

"Go ask. And then we'll talk about lightning strikes."

* * * * *

"I can't do this."

Marinette sighed, pacing back and forth in front of her best friend.

"You want to know don't you?"

"Of course I do. I don't believe he didn't sleep with any of them. That doesn't make any sense. He has to be lying."

"Then you can do this. And I'm going to help. Unlike you, I have a plan."

Marinette stopped pacing, glancing at Alya. Her plans never quite worked out in Marinette's favor. Alya stood, dusting off her jeans and pulling a pencil from behind her ear.

"Where did that come from? Why do you have a pencil? Are we just going to stab them to get answers? Because I'm not gonna lie, it's tempting."

Alya snickered, shaking her head.

"No. I'm a reporter Mari. In the off chance that something happens and I don't have my phone, I am prepared to do things the old fashioned way."

She produced a small notepad from her pocket, and Marinette narrowed her eyes.

"Okay. So what's the plan?"

"Follow my lead."

Alya bounded off, Marinette trailing slowly behind. There were a lot of after-school activities, so some of Adrien's girls hadn't left yet. Alya marched right up to one of them, a pretty red head. Marinette jogged up to them, glancing at Alya with worry. Alya however, didn't look the least bit concerned, in fact she was wearing her brightest smile.

When Lightning Strikes Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant