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Jacob stared at me. His eyes were droopy and tired. He had been drinking that night, and i just know he saw me when he was walking back to wherever his "house" is. He must have felt so outraged and disgusted when he saw me. Talking to a Templar, walking inside with them, accepting their stupid agreement. Fuck. I messed this up so badly, i felt awful. What could i do to make it up to him. I didn't know at that time. His mouth moved. It shut again. This was going to be a long night.
"it's the assassins order..."
"what's that Jacob?"
" of...eden... they want it... they want you ... can't.. let.. it... happen..."
"wait. That guy i met?"
"ok Jacob i'm going to let you sleep ok. You get some rest and talk to me in a bit. Don't go anywhere i'll stay right here ok."
He fell asleep again. God everytime he comes here he's a mess. I headed to the window and looked outside. I loved where i lived. It was a nice place. Of corse it was full of dodgy people, like the guy i had met before. Maxwell Roth. I wanted to find out more about him. I knew he was a templar, and clearly not a nice person. And he hated the assassins. Then something hit me. I realised how dangerous Jacob's life was. I knew that there would be a fight between them, I had this vision. I was scared. Jacob's death was inevitable. I knew it would come. I will not let Roth take his life. No way. I decided i'd have to try my best to protect him more.

Things were going to get more serious from this point onward and i knew that. Which means i would have to train. If Roth wanted me did that mean i am somehow related to the Assassins? Or the Templars? He did say i had Templar blood in me but i am not like them. I know i'm not. But what am i?
"James?" Jacob said wearily from behind me.
"You haven't gone yet i see"
"no i told you i wouldn't." I sighed. He really wasn't ok. His mind was all over the place. Time to talk to him.
"i know i did wrong. It is my fault. But i am not one of them. I assure you."
"I know."
"You tried to kill me."
"i know"
He clearly didn't understand what was going on right now.
"Jacob go back to sleep, i'm going to get some food. Stay safe ok i won't be long"
I was terrified Roth would come in and kill him. Or Jacob would leave all together. I hoped none of these happened. I put on my cap and headed out the door, i locked it behind me just in case. I knew there was other ways in but i just felt safer doing so. It was cold out. I should have put on something warmer, if i had anything warmer. The street lights were on now. I saw this pretty lady, She wore a green dress. She had brown hair. I recognised her, she looked familiar to me. Then it hit me, she was my auntie. I walked past her thinking she wouldn't see me but she stopped.
"James! Oh my, i haven't seen you in so long!"
"i know"
"come here"
She hugged me. I felt safe in that moment but i really couldn't stop to talk to her. But i didn't want to be mean.
"where are you staying these days auntie violet?"
"oh just up that street there, why?"
"i'll meet you there tomorrow at 12pm for some lunch. We can have a chat."
"oh yes im free then"
"good, now i got to go"
"ok, good day"
i walked off in a brisk walk. I pulled my cap down my face and put my hands in my pockets. I was freezing. I finally got to the shop. It was getting late and i didn't want to leave Jacob alone for too long. I picked out the change in my pocket and bought some bread. That should be enough for a meal with Jacob tonight. I wasn't letting him go home like that. I got to my house and unlocked the door. I headed up the stairs. I opened my creaky door. He was gone.

Fuck. I knew he would leave. I knew it. He didn't seem to have been kidnapped or hurt, he just left. So at least he wasn't assassinated by Roth. That's a good thing.  I got into bed. There was no use trying to find him now. I fell asleep. When i awoke i once again found a person on top of me with a knife. This time it was Maxwell Roth. He was smirking at me. I stayed calm.
"and what kind of excuse is there for holding a knife to my neck?"
"well" he replied in a confident tone.
"i have something against you and i will use it for your knowledge"
"and what would that be oh mighty one?"
"you have a thing going on with Jacob Frye."
"and how would you know this?"
"saw ya. Talking, hugging, kissing.. it was quite something"
"Well i deny it"
"i have proof"
"show it to me"
"then it's not true"
"it is"
"ok so what do you want then"
"well. I want to know where Jacob is? He was here last night"
"you are a stalker"
"no. I follow people to gather information"
"a stalker."
"right well i can not help you either way."
"Yes. you. can."
"can i?"
"yes. yo- look i'm not playing this game anymore just tell me where he is."
"that i can not tell you. He vanished last night. Don't have a clue. Now if you could stop holding that knife to my neck i would really apprecia-"
At that moment i knew something bad would happen. I wouldn't be leaving this room alive. Or one of us wouldn't be. He spoke to me again.
"You either tell me where he is or i will kill you. Got it?"
Everything went blank. That moment i thought i had died. But i hadn't. Me and Roth were lying unconscious on the bed. Jacob Walked over to us and picked up the darts from our necks. He stared at my unconscious body before picking me up and taking it to his train. He stroked Roth on the cheek before leaving the door with me over his shoulder. He ran. He got there to the train and placed me on his bed. Evie stared at him.
"Wow you bring a new body home every night. Who's this?"
"mind your business Evie. This doesn't concern you."
"Brother mine it does, now tell me or i'll have to take your part of the money and spend it on my little treasure hunt."
"ok ok, he's a friend of mine. James Smith. I think he is one of us. But he doesn't know this yet. Maxwell Roth wanted him because he could beat me in a fight. James now thinks he's a Templar because Roth told him so. He told me he didn't think it but i knew he was lying."
"ok? Why is he here?"
"Roth attacked him. Threatened to kill him unless he told him where i was, of corse he didn't know because i had vanished."
"so i darted them both with a sleeping drug and brought him here"
"Jacob! What are you getting yourself into?"
"he's strong. If we train him right he can really help us. Trust me."
Evie rolled her eyes before placing them onto my unconscious body. I looked so helpless. But she trusted Jacob on this one.
"ok. I'll give you 1 chance"
"thank you Evie."
"don't flatter yourself"
"why would i need to? I'm the sexiest man alive. Everyone loves me."
"You make me embarrassed"
"how so? Good sister of mine. You should be proud to have me as a brother"
"because you sound like a right tit"
Jacob just rolled his eyes and left me to sleep. I awoke an hour later, to see Evie staring at me intently. She smirked.
"Jacob has good taste eh."
"excuse me?"
"Evie. Jacob's sister."
"ohh. Hey."
"nice to uh meet you?"
"nice to meet you too"
A man walked in to the room. Someone i hadn't seen before. He looked like a proper assassin. He wore a gold and white assassin outfit? If that's what they are called. I wasn't very good on all the names. And some other accessories, including some ropes around his waist and arm, a gold arm covering and a blue cloth that hung from the ropes tied around his waist. He had red cloth underneath said ropes, and one hung between his legs. The red cloth of corse, not the rope. His hood was white, he had brown longish messy hair and i couldn't tell what colour his eyes were. I think they were brown. He looked very smart. I think Evie liked him because she couldn't take her eyes off of him from the moment he entered the room. Or the cabin since we were in a train.
"hey greenie" she said.
"hello Evie. Are you ok?"
"yes i'm ok. Urm what do you want?"
"oh i urm came to ask you where my knife was that i let Jacob borrow?"
"shit don't ask me. I don't know what my brother gets up to these days so i wouldn't know where he puts things. My apologies."
"oh. Who's that?" He pointed at me. I didn't know what to say.
"oh this is James Smith. He is a beginner assassin as you would call it."
"oh, nice. Hi James, names Henry Green."
"good to meet you"
"you too. Err i better be off."
"bye" me and Evie both replied. Evie was a mysterious figure. She was amazing at fighting or so i've heard and she was the first girl most of us new to be manly like. She hated dresses, she hung out with gentlemen and she spoke very "unladylike" and she never really showed her feelings towards people. But i could tell that she had some sort of soft spot for Greenie. I lay back in the bed. I stared at the ceiling of the train. I tilted my head to face Evie again.
"you like him don't you?" I smirked.
"none of your business"
"ok ok, but you couldn't take your eyes off of him. What's that about?"
"Nothing that concerns you, he helps us out and provides my stupid brother with weapons. He gives us quests to do around London and some other stuff ok?"
"ok. So urm, where's Jacob? And why am i here?"
"It's a long story. Do you remember being attacked by Maxwell Roth?"
"Urm yes. I do. What a way to wake up."
"i can imagine, well anyway apparently Jacob shot you both with sleeping darts and brought you all the way here. Some effort that was and i didn't think Jacob would really bother."
"well, must be lucky then."
"you are, look i know something is going on between you two"
"i know it's illegal."
"Don't worry. I'm not preaching you"
"Thank you but nothing is going on. He is not what you think he is and neither am i."
"don't flatter yourself too much. I don't want you getting overly confident like my brother does. But i understand."
I laughed. She was cool. Evie was wearing this black corset that was long and went down to past her hips. She also had a long red shirt hanging out the bottom. She wore these boots. And she had weapons in her corset. She wore a white shirt underneath and i could see her hood around her neck, her gauntlet was around her left arm and it was just like Jacob's. Her outfit was awesome. Her hair was dark brown and was tied into this bun tightly and it was obviously to get it out the way. Her eyes were blue like Jacob's. Beautiful like the ocean. However in person she looked a lot taller than 5'6. I wasn't sure how tall she was.

Jacob Frye the mysterious assassin Where stories live. Discover now