Floo Powder

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Two weeks before her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Holly Malfoy was sitting on her bed reading one of her favourite books. Holly always loved reading. She owned hundreds of books in the Malfoy Manor library. Reading brought Holly to peace in the crazy life she lives.

She has a twin brother named Draco Malfoy. He was older than Holly and the two always get along. They always do everything together.

Their father is a very proud man. His name is Lucius Malfoy. He always favours Draco over Holly but she had to learn to live with it pretty quickly.

Their mother is a kind and gentle woman but she is quiet. Her name is Narcissa Malfoy. Holly never understood why but she sometimes sees new bruises on her mother's face while she goes into her in the morning. Holly adores her mother but when she was around 10 she finally started to see that her mother feared her father. She never thought much of it.

Their aunt, Bellatrix , sometimes known as Bella, also lives in their house. Bellatrix and Holly always got along. She was there to accompany Holly when she was bored and played games with her.

While peacefully reading, Draco burst into her room.

"Come on Hol! We got to go. We are going to Diagon Alley to get our books for Hogwarts!!" Draco exclaimed jumping around her room like an animal.

"Okay! Okay! I'm coming Dray. Tell father I will be down in 2 minutes"

"OK!" was the last Draco said as he closed over the door.

Holly marked her page and closed over the book. She got up off her comfy bed and put the book back neatly among the rest of them on her bookshelf.

She tied up her luscious brown wavy hair into a neat ponytail on top of her head and added some mascara to her eyelashes making her blue eyes pop a bit more. She got on her shoes and coat before making her way down to the living room where her brother, father and aunt were waiting.

"Hurry up Holly! Next time when I send your brother up to you to tell you to come. You will come immediately. Understand?" her father asked her in his aggressive tone.

"Yes father. I'm sorry"

Holly made her way over to the group and stood beside her aunt who was holding a jar with some powder in it.

Holly was a very bright witch so knew straight away it was floo powder which you use to get to different places.

"Okay sweetie-" her auntie started before being interrupted by the door opening and some high pitched grunting coming from the bottom of a big pile of laundry.

"DOBBY!" Bella screamed from right beside Holly.

Dobby was the house elf and servant to the Malfoy family. Any house elf is sworn to a family in slavery until given an item of clothing, freeing them.

Dobby was treated terribly by the whole Malfoy family apart from Holly. She never freed him as she feared what would happen, but she never yelled at him or hurt him like the rest of the Malfoys.

Lucius stormed over to Dobby, glaring at him with pure anger all over his face.

"HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT YOUR MASTERS!" he yelled at the tiny creature in front of him.

"Dob.. Dobby never meant to interrupt his masters sir. Dobby is terribly sorry" he stammered out to his cruel master towering above him.

Without any hesitation Lucius slapped the elf across the face, causing him to drop all the laundry. He picked the elf up by the rag he wore and before dropping him and kicking him out of the room, told him to clean up the clothes when they have left. He slammed the door closed before going back over to his kids and his sister-in-law.

Bella then continued showing the twins how to use the floo powder before holding the jar in front of Draco. He took a handful of the grey powder before standing in their large fire pit.

He cleared his throat then very clearly said "Diagon Alley" before throwing the powder down and a big green flame appeared.

Holly jumped back into her aunt and closed her eyes, not expecting the flame to be that big. After a couple seconds she opened her eyes again to see her twin gone.

Her father pushed her forward and her aunt held the jar in front of her. Following her twins actions, she took a handful and went and stood in the fireplace. She also cleared her throat before saying the location of her destination and throwing the powder towards the floor.

Her eyes were closed as she felt her body twist and turn. She felt as she was about to throw up but opened her eyes to find herself on the floor in one of the Diagon Alley shops with Draco standing beside her offering his hand to help her up.

Word Count: 822words

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