Hollow hollow

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The smell of death was quite perceptible in the air, with the trees moving slowly from side to side due to the cold wind of the night, with the branches moving the hunged too, and the howl of wolves from far away you could swear your soul was leaving your body, you could feel it. With the help of the moon’s light you can distinguish the corpses laying around the church, and you knew that in the depths of the forest, maybe in their houses, in the basement the lifless bodies painted the final scene of what looked like a graveyard, and with the help of your ears you could still hear the muffled screams, the sound of bones breaking and the powerful growl of what you never saw, never will see but only fell it, see it in others.

   And you could hear it again, the pierced nonhuman voice:
    -Hollow, hollow, hollow!
     You should follow
     The deads, the alive,
     the spirit which is not in the sky.
     Hollow, hollow, hollow!

  The 5 priests left were struggling to keep their voices loud and clear, with trembling hands and sweaty foreheads they were looking around for the creature responsible of the village’s disrupted pace. But was it really a creature? Can be named a creature? It was known as Zloydukh, the reason of Elliot’ distress, the reason his hands were trying to keep his love on the shrine with hope that tomorrow her eyes will be crystal blue again and not stained with crimson red.
The bishop warned him. Even if the ritual will be a success and the evil spirit will leave her body, the whole process is too draining and will strip her off of all her powers, maybe she will not see the day of tomorrow. But Elliot was stubborn and had faith, forced to have faith.

   Dread filled the village for the past month, they didn’t know who will be next, who will het possessed by the spirit of death, the spirit which only the most heartless humans had seen, also wondering what could possible anger Zloydukh in such way that he made half of the village disappear. Not much was known about him, but from the tells of the elders Elliot knew he will kill himself before Zloydukh can get the chance to come after him.

   -Dona ad regem caelum haec pauper meam. Te natum odio praecipio tibi hoc relinquet! But the chanting of the bishop was disrupted by the sound of shattered glass and the horrible scream of Aliya.
  Her bones were beginning to deform, trashing and turning, trying to escape from their hands. The bishop tried again, with more power, more faith, the priests holding the crosses high in the air, fear clearly in their eyes:
  -Dominus illuminatio mea! Verba mea exaudi, Domine! Intellige clamorem meum! Intende voci orationis meae, Rex meus, et Deus meus: quoniam ad te orabo, Domine. In mane et vocem meam audient, mane praeparabor ad te et tu videbis me. Quod tu es Deus, Qui non vis iniquitatem, nec in nequitia habitant apud vos.

Aliya’s lips let a horrid scream, her eyes moving from side to side for a few seconds, then the candle lights stopped from flickering. Elliot looked at his love, and a wash of relieve went through his body when crystal blue eyes welcomed him.

More than a month had passed after that night in the church and the village was starting to recover, but you could still feel something in the air. Especially Elliot. Every night he was scared to go to sleep. What if Zloydukh is still in Aliya and she will try again to kill herself? What if the sprit hasn’t left yet? Zloydukh was hunting him in his sleep, he felt like he couldn’t breathe anymore and woke up almost every night with scratches on his body. Was he possessed?  But his eyes were still green, his thoughts were still sober and he never tried to kill himself. What was all of this about? Was Aliya still possessed? Someone else was trying to hurt them?
This is why he was standing before the bishop, trying to convince him that the devil was still with them.

-Why is so hard for you to understand that something is still there? You know, you saw the power of the Devil, and not only him. The young men spoke with tears threating to fall from his eyes.
- Elliot, my son, Aliya is fine. She doesn’t have any signs; she’s not doing anything that could tell us she’s still possessed. You’re shaken up from what happened and still scared. Pray and have faith.

He arrived home late at night, staying in the church and praying until now. What can prayers do if the son of the downfall is around here? He searched for Aliya, finding her in the kitchen chopping something.

- Aliya? You haven’t had dinner yet? Is late, I thought you will be sleeping.
But she didn’t answer, didn’t stop herself from chopping, her back facing Elliot.
-Love? Did you hear me?

With her legs pinned to the floor, Aliya’s head turned to look straight into  Elliot's eyes. The crystal blue wasn’t there.

-Hollow, hollow
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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