Council's Splotching Match!

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Hi! *waves*

This is the first kotlc fanfic I have actually finished so please don't hate it if it's not that good :) But giving feedback would be great!

I actually decided to write this because I got inspiration from the Forbidden Cities Podcast. Go listen to their podcast, it's amazing :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

(There will be Lodestar spoilers so if you have not read kotlc book 5, just be aware that there are spoilers)

Bronte startled as someone started banging on his door.


No one was banging on his door. It was his head.

Someone was banging on his head.

Why would anyone in their right minds do that?!

Oh. Not someone. Something. A pink, slimy thing...

Bronte jumped up. Someone was banging on his door. Sunlight seeped through the silk curtains. Well, at least the banging wasn't going on in the middle of the night. 

He layed back down, deciding to wait a few minutes to see if getting up was actually necessary.

The banging was getting more intense. Bronte ran to the door, chuckling to himself. No one ever would be able to bang like that on Terik's door, Bronte doubted anyone other than Terik had even touched it. Terik would always open the door before anyone could knock. And here Bronte was, taking so long to open a single door.

Turns out it was Kenric pounding on his door, grinning when Bronte opened it, looking extremely tired with his hair all over the place. 

Bronte's ears turned pink when he realized how silly he must look after just getting out of bed.

"What's the problem?!" Bronte demanded.

Kenric chuckled. "Your sleep schedule. You were supposed to be at Foxfire at noon, thirty minutes ago."

Oh. Right. Bronte mentally slapped himself for stupidly forgetting.

"Yeah! I know! I was about to leap over there!" Bronte growled, slamming the door in Kenric's face.

Wow. Bronte's definitely not a morning person.


"Who's ready for the Council's Splotching Championship?" Emery asked, once all the Councillors had gotten to Foxfire's huge ampitheater.

The Council cheered as Liora conjured huge sacks of tiny, brightly colored balls.

"Every year, Foxfire's students have an Ultimate Splotching Match. I think it's about time we have one ourselves, to have a bit of fun but also in case there comes a time where we need our strongest telekinetic."

Kenric yawned as Emery droned on about how while this can be fun, it could help with our world and blah blah blah. Of coure he cared about the world, he was a Councillor! But listening to someone talk about it for what seemed like hours was just ridiculous.

Once Emery stopped talking, the Council partnered up.

Kenric and Oralie (of course), Noland and Velia, Emery and Darek, Ramira and Clarette, Bronte and Liora, and Zarina and Terik.

"May the best Councillor win," Kenric whispered to Oralie, winking.

Oralie smiled back, picking up the bright red splotcher Liora had conjured next to them.

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