Chapter 2

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Charlie stared at her.

"Your cat?" He asked.

"My cat," Lucy repeated, "Matchi."

"Ok," Charlie looked dumbstruck, "I'll
get her for you....does that mean you've decided to stay?"

"For now," Lucy croaked, nodding her head, "can I take you up on that cup of tea now?"

"Of course," Charlie leapt to his feet and walked over to his kitchen, "If I'm going to get your cat, I should probably stop by the Headmaster's office and let him know that you got here safely—"

"Albus is dead." Lucy said, casting her gaze down to her feet.

A teacup shattered on the ground.

"What?" Charlie breathed, tugging nervously at the hem of his shirt, "what do you mean?"

"He died last night," Lucy whispered, "I'm sorry. There was a battle at the school—"

"At the school?" Charlie looked up panicked, "are my siblings alright?"

"They were okay when I left," Lucy coughed.

"Did anyone else die?" Charlie looked concerned, "besides Dumbledore?"

Lucy couldn't help the tears again and she cursed herself for being so weak.


She started but paused, her what? How could she even start trying to explain what Sawyer Thorton was to her. To her he was everything and more, her entire world and the best thing she could've ever called hers. Boyfriend seemed much too simple, he was so much more than just her boyfriend.


She tried again, crying harder because she just couldn't find the word.

Charlie pushed a cup of tea into her hands.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

He understood what she was trying to say.

"When will Aberforth come to visit?" Lucy asked, as if it was a certainty that the man would be coming.

"About that..."  Charlie frowned, "we're on a reserve, the location is unknown to anyone and everyone who doesn't live here. That being said, nobody can get in without inside help, therefore making it the best place for you to be right now. Since the war has begun, we've heightened the safety wards of the reserve and no unauthorized individuals can enter...that includes visitors."

"Then how did I get here?" Lucy asked.

"You're here because we registered you months ago as a resident of the reserve...before everything went into lockdown," Charlie explained, "as for the portkey, I programmed it myself, there's none other like it in the world."

"So nobody else will be able to get here?" Lucy asked.

"Correct!" Charlie smiled.

"And what about letters?"

"Afraid not," he said, "you don't want to write them anyways, from what I heard, mail is getting regulated, especially if it's out of country."


"Nope, we're not connected to the Floo network," Charlie said, "think of it like Hogwarts, we've got the same protection charms...apparition wards...everything really."

"Brilliant," Lucy sighed.

"Come on, it ain't that bad," Charlie said, "one of the reasons Aberforth sent you here is because we're a fully operational magical community. We've got classes for you to take and other people your age, you're free to continue your education without the war."

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