When They First Saw You

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Michael Myers

You were out walking on Halloween and he saw you. He decided you could live. He still killed everyone else he was planning on killing though.

Jason Voorhees

You were on a camping trip with some friends and he was about to bring his machete down on your neck. Then he saw your face. He fell in love, and Pam is happy he found someone he loves.

Freddy Kreuger

He was haunting your dreams and you had the balls to beat his ass. You destroyed him and he thought it was hot. Uhm... good job, I guess?

Billy Loomis

You met in college and he was chill so you guys became friends.

Stu Macher

Same as Billy, but he's more fun.

Norman Bates

You met him at school and thought he was cute. You ended up being really good friends with him.

Bubba Sawyer

He was chasing you and trying to catch you. He saw you and thought you were absolutely adorable, so he didn't wanna hurt you.


He was trying to catch you for some breakfast. Turns out you're a different kind of meal.


You were visiting your sister, who is Andy's mom. When the doll came alive, you were the only person to think that maybe punting the bitch was a good idea. So you did. And he thought it was hot.

Tiffany Valentine

You were friends with Damien, (you know that dude she killed at the beginning of Bride of Chucky?) and he introduced you to her. She saw you, and bam. She was over Chucky.


You were her friend at school and were by her side no matter what. She fell for you because of it.

Billy Lenz

You moved into the sorority house because you needed a place to live. He saw you while he was sneaking around, and he thought you were hotter than Hell itself, so let's just say he... gave you a call.

Brahms Heelshire

You started work there as a nanny, and he watched you through the walls. He thought you were gorgeous.

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