But he could never do so and eventually never did.

The memory would haunt him to the day of his death - if not, even to the afterlife.

He held the almost lifeless Vision tight in his hands, eyes focused on the symbol that was barely even visible anymore.

It's been like this for months already. Kazuha wondered if it was normal for a Vision to look like that when the bearer didn't have it in their possession.

There was the possibility that Tomo lost his life in that battle then, yet there was still a tiny spark of hope reflecting in his eyes.

As long as the Vision showed some life signs, the despair would not take advantage of him.

However, he was just delusional. The desire to see a person, who he last met in Inazuma, had only been a daydream.

Although their ways had long parted, for their destinations were different, he was keen on seeing his friend again - his dearest friend, Tomo.

To have merely met by chance and then form such a strong bond, there really must've been a fated connection between them. A connection that not even a god, like the Raiden Shogun, could cut.


The samurai sighed, putting the Vision in between his cloth folds as he leaned against a tree bathed in warm orangey tones of the sun. He silently listened to the rustles of the leaves that swayed within the wind. It was a calming feeling, which he would always return to whenever he was in stress.

Kazuha's sense of hearing was by far sharper than that of an average person. Even at times when the wind ceased to speak, nature had never been completely silent for him. It had always spoken to the boy, conveying its feelings in its own unique language.

But as much as the ability helped him orientate himself, it also had its own negative sides to it.

Only crowded places like a summer festival were enough to cause him a headache; the loud children that run around the place and the adults that yell for participants to take part in their events. Even if that greatly bothered his senses, he didn't hate the liveliness.

But since Kazuha was sensitive to sound, he had no other choice but to avoid them. The only reason why he regularly went to the summer festivals was because of Tomo.

He remembered how much his friend adored the festivals in Inazuma.

The two would wear ominous masks to fool around, participate in several events to earn a prize, eat a lot of delicacies at a food stall and pray at a shrine for good fortune. By the brink of the sunset, they would hold a spar with each other to end the day.

.... He really missed him.

The feeling of longing for one had been intruding his mind every now and then. As he was unable to comprehend his sadness, droplets of tears trickled down his face and hit the back of his hand.

Kazuha wondered for what reason he was crying, letting out his frustration on something he himself wasn't familiar with.

Was it because of his regretful decisions? Because of how much he longed to see Tomo again? He never knew the end to his lack of clarity.

On nights like this, the boy rathered to stay awake to avoid his usual nightmares. The one in which he runs after the silhouette of his travel companion, but never closes the distance between them. The dream would continue in a loop until he eventually manages to wake up.

It was unclear to him why the nightmares have been haunting him like a pest. Kazuha traveled around and sought for a solution but no method helped him in the end.

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