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A wandering samurai with nothing left but his title,

who had lost his companion,

his dearest friend

and also the someone he could never forget.

That was how close Tomo was to his heart;

so close that it was almost like a disease.

But Kazuha did not realize that his supposed-to-be deceased friend, who he sees across his travels, was just a hallucination.

It was the samurai's way of coping, running after someone who was merely an illusion created in his mind for his own safety. Because if there is ever a day where he would find out about the truth, his feelings will tear him apart. And so the truth waits for his acceptance, as it continues to linger in his subconsciousness.

The days after he fled from Inazuma turned into weeks and the weeks eventually prolonged to several months.

At a bridge, where leaves in the color of autumn seemed to cover the grounds: was the place he first met Beidou, the head of the Crux Fleet.

Their first encounter origins back to when both stumbled into forgeign territory surrounded by Treasure Hoarders. Beidou came to acknowledge his martial prowess, for he possessed a skill that had convinced her judgment.

At the Inazumian port of Ritou, where the Alcor waited for her return, it was decided for him to be taken in as a temporary member of the Crux Fleet. The members admired his skills, adored the samurai greatly - and the feeling was mutual.

But since he was not used to stagnating, Kazuha decided to continue his travels for the time being.

Although whenever he felt like there was no place for him to go, the Crux would always welcome him back with the nostalgic taste of sake.

He had always been the type of person to journey around, longing to roam places that nature had to offer. But as a wanted man in Inazuma, Kazuha had to go into hiding - until he was given a chance to begin a new life.

Terror overcame him and other Vision holders he was with at that time, not daring to face the sunlight, ever since the Vision Hunt Decree was declared. Kazuha couldn't comprehend the Shoguns actions and ought to live his life in anonymity, just how every other person would do.

Yet beside all the fear that brought hopes of many down, there remained one who dared to brave the lightning's glow.

It was foolish for one to crash into a battlefield, in which traumatizing sceneries often played. But his dearest friend Tomo was unfamiliar with the term 'to give up'.

He was one of the few that refused to hand over their Vision and became part of a resistance, unlike Kazuha, who sought to seek shelter from everything that put his life at risk.

His dissatisfaction may have got its roots from the Vision Hunt, but neither was he fond of his friend's idea of calling a duel before the throne. Despite having the intention to live in anonymity, Kazuha couldn't just leave him all by himself, could he?

His indecisive thoughts are what he regrets to this day. If only he put more trust into him, If only he didn't hesitate to his decisions and if only he wasn't too late to arrive in time.

The only thing his companion left for him had been his Vision, which no longer shone in a bright violet color like before. It was more lifeless and empty, but the symbol of the electric element could still be found on it.

'What expression did his dearest friend have at that moment?' Kazuha had asked himself that question over and over again.

The whole scene was a nightmare he sought to forget.

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