"So...you want me to propose for you to reject?" the Prince frowned, his relaxed nature now gone.

"Dear heavens no!" Diana replied quickly wide-eyed. "I would not want to humiliate you anyway. You deserve someone who will know and adore you so well, they will say yes before you even ask." Diana couldn't help but feel this did not satisfy him, he seemed to have a look of longing of such a person. 

"Please tell me how you would have this play out." he asked patiently.

"I will pursue you, society will be so distracted and I will use the power of gossip on how much of an excellent Prince you are and how you are were never really in love with the Duchess of Hastings. After my interactions with you, then you can thoroughly reject me and I can say he is looking for a more worthy Princess." Prince Friedrich was silent but she could his mind working out something, giving her hope.

"What about you? How will this earn proposals?" he asked.

"Someone will be there to pick up the pieces, especially a damsel in distress to take advantage of my delicate state when we become friends instead." the Prince frowned at this. "I don't know if getting proposals of such a gentleman who only seeks to take advantage would be of worthy of you."

"I know it sounds crude but that is the way it is, is it not? Our connection, our positions and value dictated by peers can be so restrictive, why not take advantage of the beast we know to finally have things work out in our favor?" Diana realized she was speaking passionately again, almost forgetting they were dancing.

Prince Friedrich didn't respond but seemed to see her in a way that felt too much. "You are...something." he replied finally. Diana blushed wondering if he thought her mad and regrets ever running into her.

"I understand if this is something that could be too much, it is delicate and shoddy at best but you need to win a Princess worthy of you and I need two proposals to reject." Diana concluded determined.

"Why not continue as you are, you've already danced and won the favor the gentlemen you were with?" he said stiffly. "They already seemed like they wanted to propose then and there.

"Nonsense, besides courting will take too long, I need this before the end of the season." Diana replied.

Again the Prince was silent in thought and Diana became all too aware again of him holding her close, his warm fingers barely gracing the exposed skin of her back.

Finally, he spoke, "I will assist you in this strange adventure, since I accidentally always impede on them anyways, but I will find two men to propose to you. I do not like the idea of someone trying to take advantage of you when you are rejected even if you plan to turn them down. As sharp as your mother, she will see through that and it could turn out badly for you if they are unpredictable." he said looking down at her.

Diana looked up in wonder it was an unexpected turn, "Truly? Can you find two gentlemen that don't mind being rejected?"

"Of course, especially if it will be to their advantage," he replied mysteriously with a smirk.

"Then you will agree to this? Let me pursue you and let us be seen in public to show that you are ready for new love which will hopefully usher in someone special for you." Diana said. 

"I will go on this venture but you must promise me something." he finally smiled at her.

"Of course." Diana's heart thumped in excitement.

"You must call me Freddie." he grinned. 

"Freddie?" she tried out amused. Diana decided it suited him. 

"Just like that." he said softly gazing down at her. Diana forgot to breathe with that look, she tried giving him her sternest look to hide the effect he was giving her, trying to find her footing again. 

"You can call me Diana, but I must also ask something of you yet again." Prince Friedrich chuckled, "Diana, at this point you can ask me anything."

Diana bit her lip, it sounded all too pleasant when he said her Christian name, resolute she steeled herself for the next part. 

"We must remind ourselves.... no matter what we are just friends, we cannot have this go wrong Freddie, there are.... too many variables and I would hate for you to miss someone worthy of you. If you feel as if you've found her, I will not hold this deal." Diana blurted out.

"And I would hate for you to miss out on your dream," he replied softly again glancing briefly at her lips as she bit them again. 

"No matter what we must focus on the end goal and not get caught up in....our charade." There was no delicate way of saying what she wanted to say and she prayed he could read between the lines, hating that her non-subtle manner failing her. 

"Don't worry Diana, I will see us through, after all, we are friends now." he said softly.

Diana nodded, realizing it made her feel sour all of sudden. 

"Yes...we will be friends, besides your dream girl could walk through at any moment and you should be prepared." Diana thought of the Queen, forseeing she might be having yet another conversation with her soon. 

Diana also wondered who the Queen had in mind for him? Jealous pricked at her soul but she knew he would probably adore her and she would him being as kind as he is.

"Shall I call on you this week then, to get this started?" he asked changing the subject. "You may, though I would recommend the late afternoons, my brothers will be out and it will save you from their harassment."

The dance ended and Diana was both relieved and saddened, she broke away from him in a polite curtsey and went in search of a drink wondering what on Earth she had just done. 

A/N: Yes, I am using reverse deal elements of the Daphne and Simon storyline sort of. Let me know what you think! Follow, comment and vote! I already have an ending worked out!

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now