Part 3

32 14 9

-horrible and horrific mean the same thing but terrible and terrific mean the opposite

-the phrase 'this blows' and 'this sucks' are both opposite and identical

-the phrase 'slow and steady wins the race' works in a lot of scenario's but what it doesn't work in is in an actual race

-when people say 'were not perfect' doesn't that make us perfect at not being perfect?

- the word separate is written together but the word all together is written separately

-when u say 'touch' your lips wont touch but when you say 'separate' your lips will touch

- when people think to travel to the past, they worry about accidentally changing the present, but no one in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future

- what came first the fruit orange or the colour orange

-if 2 vegans are arguing will it still be considered beef

-if you were born deaf what language would you think in

-if you weigh 99lbs and eat 1lbs of nachos are u 1% nachos

-drawing trees on paper with a pencil is slightly morbid

-before the camera was invented no one has ever seen themselves with there eyes closed

-beds are just wireless chargers for humans

-brushing your teeth is the only time you'll clean your skeleton

-'i sold an hour of my life for $13 ' doesn't sound nearly as good as 'i make $13/hour'

-we think that aliens would abduct us and conduct experiments on us because that's exactly what we would do if we discovered alien life.

-an actors  job is to convince you that they aren't an actor

-the only time 'incorrectly' is spelled incorrectly is when its spelled incorrectly

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