That's the Weed Talking

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If I were to be your boyfriend
I could never really say no to you
But I'd pretend to
Just so I'd look tough
Then you'd breathe out a sigh of relief
And say, "that's the boy I love"

If I were to be your boyfriend
I'd probably make fun of you the whole day
Until you get sick of my face
Then I'd cheer you up
In that special way
That reminds you why I'm the boy you love

And after a hug, or two
I'll breathe out a sigh of relief while holding you
And say to myself, "man this chick is the one"

If we were to be together
Our hands would never, get cold
Especially in public
Especially on a couch made for two hands to hold

If you were to be my girlfriend
I just might die from happiness
So maybe this is for the best
Yea maybe this is for the best

.... yea, some shit like that.

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