Chapter 5

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It was Saturday morning and I was just woken up from bed. I yawned heading to my bathroom brushing my hair and teeth. Like the usual, but something felt off. Something was out of place. I shake the feeling away and head downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. Her back was facing me so she didn't see me walking over to her. I put one of my hands on her shoulder. The moment I did that she screamed turning around. I jumped at her movements. " What the heck?! Mom are you okay? You look pale. " She looks at me and laughs awkwardly. " What are you talking about? Haha of course not sweetie. You just scared me. Go watch some TV while I finish cooking." I turn around and walked away but then I noticed dad wasn't at the table waiting for breakfast like usual. I yelled over to my mom as I sat down on the couch. " Hey, mom?! Where's dad? I thought he had work later on today?" It took a minute for her to answer. " He had to go to work early. Something came up. No need to worry. " Something came up? I shrugged it off and put my favorite kid show on.

While watching TV my phone buzzed. I ignored it for a while until it buzzed again and again. I groaned. " What the heck? Who could be texting me at this time." I mumbled to myself and I check my phone.

It was the group chat I recently got. Everyone was spamming it like crazy. I look over the text messages.

Suzie: Did you guys hear?! 😰

Daisy: I totally did!!!!! 😱

Lui: What happened????

Tommy: This can't be happening...

Lui: WHAT?????

Tommy: Check the news.

Matty: Emma...

Aaron: What the hell.

I quickly looked away from my phone and changed the channel to the news. It was a news reporter standing on the road with cops behind her. One of them was my dad. "We have been told a man was driving to work saw the body of 'Emma West' on the sidewalk dead. We have the man Steve Balmers to tell is what he saw." The camera pointed over to him. The expression on his face was shocked. " I-I was just driving to work at around 6 AM and saw something on the sidewalk. It was-" I stopped listening and went back to my phone. I was in utter shock. Why is this happening? Who could've done this? My friends were still texting each other.

Tommy: (Y/n) did you see?

Matty: is everything okay (Y/n)?

Daisy: Yeah you're just leaving us on read.

I look back at the TV to see my dad now talking to the reporter. " Officers (L/n), who do you think can be doing all this?" My dad looks straight at the camera. " We have some reports from another town saying a dangerous man escaped and is on the run. We're thinking he came here and Is now killing. We advise everyone to stay inside and lock all their doors until further notice-" Suddenly the channel changes back to the cartoon show I was watching. I look back to see my mom awkwardly smiling at me. " Breakfast is ready honey." I look back at my phone to see my friends still texting each other.

I sighed standing up from the couch and went over to the dining table. My mom was sitting across from me eating her food. She was looking down trying to avoid eye contact. We continued eating as I try to start a conversation with her. " So is this why dad's not here?" She stops chewing and looks at me. She swallows her food and sighs. " Can we not talk about the honey? Now is not the time." I look at her confused. " Why not?" She had a stern look on her face. " Well first off, We are eating, and second it's disrespectful. So stop it now." I nod my head and finished my food. " I'm going back to my room." I stand up and put my dish in the sink heading to my room.

I went on my phone looking at the group chat. They were all still talking about Emma. For some odd reason, it just clicked on me. Emma is fucking dead. I drop my phone and covered my face. " Holy shit. This can not be happening." Out of all people. Emma. The most bratty person I've ever met died. The one I wanted gone the most. Dead. My phone buzzed again.

LoveSick Ghostface x Reader DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora