🎄[wearing Red hearts on a sleeve]🎄

Start from the beginning

'i have a feeling this is going to kill me'

I thought with a nervous glance to the classroom numbers that rested above the doorframes, until I halted the movement in my feet and stared at the numbers with fear.

'well, here goes...'

Closing my eyes tightly with a deep inhale, I turned to the door and slowly slid it open to reveal the amount of people inside, there were a few students but I knew more were to arrive. Walking to the desk with my gaze to the floor, I placed my bookbag onto the surface of the desk next to a raven haired male who held a look of determination, slightly glancing at the male in question I hesitantly raised my hand to greet him. My body was abruptly enveloped into a pair of arms that almost caused me to lose balance "(y/n)!!" A voice made itself known, flinching at the action and the loud voice, I turned to the source. Purple locks of hair greeted my sight, and the familiar face of a friend became clear "long time no see!" Najimi exclaimed with his signature smile, unable to speak from the shock that coursed throughout my body caused the male to laugh. His hands now placed themselves on my shoulders "you haven't changed a bit!" He claimed with euphoria in his presence alone "um.." was all that came out of me, the anxiety dug it's claws into me and ceased when I hid my features from him. Shielding him from my flushed features in hopes of disappearing, he only gave me a reassuring pat on the head "yup, still the same" though his gaze analyzed me from head to toe. A voice had interrupted this little greeting "excuse me but... Have you two known each other?" The Raven haired male asked with an accusatory finger directed mostly at Najimi, turning to him with a nervous gesture, I nodded to confirm. Taking a silent breather, I slowly stuck out my hand towards the lad "h-...hi, my name is (y/n)" I muttered softly, the male's features grew in shock from this action. Taking my hand in his into a friendly shake, he directed a kind smile at me "nice to meet you, I'm Hitohito Tadano" he introduced himself followed after a nervous laugh. After letting go of his hand was when Najimi began to speak up "oh! Right! Why haven't I seen you around lately?" The male asked with a finger to his chin, flinching at Najimi's question, I fumbled with the hem of my skirt. Glancing down at the patterned fabric as a distraction, I gave a small noise of nervousness "ah...you see, I decided to take two part time jobs to help my sister Yuka" Najimi glanced at me in bewilderment "two?? Aren't your parents already in jobs? Why do you need to work?" He asked. Hand now at his hips, I glanced at the skirt he wore and averted my gaze elsewhere.

'im not going to question it, after all it's Najimi'

For the first time, I glanced back up at those brown orbs "actually...um...my sister and I moved away from our parents to start lives of our own, and I wanted to help...so..." my mutter somehow understood by the purple haired male in front of me, he nodded and gave a small hum. Najimi looked up in deep thought before patting my shoulder with another cheerful smile "always the nice and hardworking one!" He stated, in which he placed a fingertip to his lips in a trembling manner "that makes me wet~" he said with a quivery voice. Flinching from his bold comment, Tadano had a straight face laced into his expression "stop that, your making her feel uncomfortable" he stated as I felt Najimi was on the urge to make an insult.

'knowing them, they might'
(^ ^)'

Stepping into the conversation, I gently waved my hands around in a slow manner "o-oh no- it's alright, Najimi has this idea of doing things so... abruptly" I tried to explain, though an arm that belonged to the purple haired male wrapped itself around my shoulders. A casual laugh coming from Najimi's form made me turn to them, who began putting a finger up "could also reference to when we're in be-" frantically covering the individual's mouth, I turned to Tadano with a nervous yet quiet laugh. The Raven haired lad in response gave a sigh "knowing Najimi, he does have this bad habit of plotting terrible things" nodding at his statement in agreement, the purple haired individual stayed silent with a Huff.

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