The New Girl

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                                                                        (Glamrock Freddy's POV)

"-and then this kid just ran right into me and fell down! When I tell you I panicked, boy did I. I picked up the little guy and said "You okay there bud?" and he started crying even more so I found his mom, who might I add, was sooo hot dude. Like huge MILF energy, huge. So I set him down and he ran to her and- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?"Monty screamed at me.

I come out of my daze, "huh? OH uhhh yeah hehe." I say looking down at him, he was obviously annoyed and unconvinced but continued with his story anyway. 

But I wasn't listening, I had been thinking recently about how we have been doing the same thing for almost 30 years. I understand we had no choice but I just wish we had something different in the routine.

 A knock on the door draws my attention away from the wall I was blankly staring at. Oliver, our head technician walks in with someone behind him. She was enchanting, from how she looked to how she carried herself, even her voice was like a breath of fresh air.

I stared at her and she introduced herself, my overheating warning popped up in front of my vision. 'Crap, I gotta cool off before I malfunction' I thought to myself as I abruptly left the room. I look back at her and she looks kind of hurt and confused. "God, why do I suddenly feel like this, damn". I walk out to the Plex to go hang out with the kids, which always makes me feel better. 

As I am giving a kid a balloon, I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder, "Monty!" The kids shouted in delight. 'Shit' "Hey Kids, I need to talk to Freddy for a moment but he will be right back, okay?" Monty said tightening the grip on my shoulder. I feel myself being dragged away, 'I am so dead' I kept thinking.

Monty dragged me to his room the back way so we weren't swarmed by kids. He lets go of me only to close the door and shut the curtains that are in front of the display window. He turns to me, pissed.

 "What the hell was that stunt you pulled in the green room, she's new dude, don't be an ass." He says crossing his arms and tilting down his sunglasses. "I didn't mean to just leave, I had to do something," I said embarrassed looking at the floor. "Uh-huh, and what was this very important thing you had to do so bad that you made yourself look like a dick?" He asks quizzingly, knowing I don't have a good excuse. "I was overheating," I said quietly, avoiding eye contact. "Huh? Dude, I cant hear yo-" I cut him off "I was overheating, okay I needed to get out of there," I said grabbing his shoulders. I sighed and let go of him, I sat on his couch and put my head in my hands. "Why were you overheating, that room was cold as a- OHH I see why." He said finally catching on, 'stupid reptile'. 

He came and sat next to me, trying to hold in his laughter, of course, he can't take a damn thing seriously. "Listen, bro, I am your best friend and as your best friend I think that walking out of a room when the girl you like is talking is not the smoothest move you could've pulled." He said patting my back. I slapped the back of his head, "First off, I don't like her and secondly, DONT YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" I yelled at him as he laughed. "Look just try not to be a complete ass before we come up with a plan to get you laid alright?" He said laughing even harder. I threw a pillow at him with a panicked expression on my face. "DUDE!" I said desperately. "Oh get ready for pre-show checks," He says between laughs as he shoos me out of his room. "If worst comes to worst you can just switch to default mode," he said slamming the door in my face. Man, I hate that guy.

I walk back to my room and then it hits me, 'shit Oliver said she was the new Backstage Technician manager, which means she's going to start doing the pre and post-show checks' I'm screwed. 

I wait in my room a little while, getting myself ready for the show. We're playing one of my favorites today but it's at the end so I must wait. I hear a weak knock on my door, I take a moment to switch to default like Monty said and I allow them in. 

She walks in very apprehensive, we make eye contact for a few seconds and my programming makes my body move to her. She looks up and I realize how tall I actually am. Being around kids all day I seem tall to almost everyone but she's a good 5'8 so I guess I really am just that tall.

She starts going through the regular questions, she asks if anything is broken and I remember that my hat's magnet is failing. She quickly fixed it and asked how it fit and all I could muster is a simple thumbs-up, 'thumbs-up, really? that's the best you've got you massive hunk of metal?' They left and I let out a sigh of relief as I went back into 'Free mode'. 

I made my way backstage and met up with everyone else, "Hey guys, we all ready?" I say looking at all of them. All of them give thumbs up or nod. "All right, let's get this show on the road," I say walking out of the rehearsal room and getting to the rise up. We were getting last-minute checks done and I hear a voice, "Break a leg, you guys! Y'all are going to do amazing!" It was Y/n. I didn't look up, knowing if I did, I would get thrown off. "Dude, what did we say about being an ass?" Monty whispers to me as we rise up to the main stage. 

We play our songs and the crowd is loving it, parents, kids, even teenagers were enjoying themselves. Then we got to my favorite part of this show. Monty starts us off, "Hey Kids! You know how cool your parents are right?" The crowd showed that they did with the various screams and shouts. "Well, this next song goes out to them" Chica finished, here it was! "For this song, we are going all the way back to 1976" Roxy shouted. 

Ahh, there it was, that beautiful piano opening. The crowd cheered and cheered, I saw parents dancing and kids attempting to. 'How I wish I could have done that. Why did it have to happen?' I kept my facade and kept performing.

The backstage crew have headsets that connect to our intercom systems so if anything were to happen we could hear them. We could all hear the singing going on backstage but then one voice stuck out. 


It was Y/N, she was singing and boy was she good. Monty and I made eye contact and both of our expressions showed how surprised we were. Chica and Roxy had the same expressions. Her voice was extremely powerful, like broadway worthy. 

We finished our performance and were brought back down and checked once more. Y/N and Oliver run up to us, "Great show guys, I like the ABBA song you added, nice touch." He said and Y/N nodded aggressively. "That was amazing and a really smart idea to get the parents even more involved. Nice work!" She said high fiving each of us, "Oh Monty, here are your new sunglasses, that was really cute what you did." She said handing Monty his iconic eyewear. 

What. Was. Happening. I felt so angry that he was getting compliments from her that I wanted to rip his head off. I need to get a grip on this. 'Calm down count to 10 1-2-3-' "Thanks but you're cuter" Monty said pridefully.  

'That's it, I'm ripping the fuckers head off!'

She looked down blushing, Oliver called her name and she excused her self giving us thumbs up as she left. I slowly turned my head towards Monty, making eye contact. His smile dropped so fast, "I'm gonna give you 5 seconds" I said menacingly. He ran out into the Plex faster than you could say his damn name. 

Chica and Roxy looked at each other with first confusion then realization. They both turned to me with excited smiles and shocked eyes. "You too" They dropped them and left. God, is it that obvious? I've known this girl for less than a day and I'm already a mess. How is that possible?

I need to get a grip...

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