Other than wearing a coat, she was also holding an umbrella. When she squatted on the ground, she looked just like a green ball.

Then, by the time she finally got to her feet and lifted her head, she was stunned. Lu Yu'an was looking at her.

She opened her mouth and said something.

Her voice was low, unlike the voice of the medical apprentice, who shouted at the top of his lungs.

Lu Yu'an felt as if something was scratching his heart.

Fu Zhi had kept her promise. She had really helped him look for the necklace.

Then, as if he was possessed by a demon, he pushed the door open and looked as Fu Zhi walked up to him.

She was just 17 years old, and she was by no means more mature than a 13-year-old teenager. After looking for the necklace in the courtyard for a few hours, her white shoes were covered in mud, and her coat was wet.

There were water droplets hanging from her eyelashes.

"Here. I cleaned it for you."

She opened her hand, bringing the blue-colored necklace in her palm into the light.

There was a crystal in the center of the necklace that glittered under the light.

Everyone thought that the necklace was very important to him, but in reality, he was the one who had deliberately thrown it away. Even he had forgotten where he had thrown the necklace, so he had not expected Fu Zhi to get it back for him.

He pressed his lips firmly.

The reason Lu Chuwan was nice to him was that they spoke a common language, as both of them could play the piano. However, Fu Zhi was different. She did not covet the power that came with his status, and she did not care about what kind of person he was either.

A surge of annoyance surfaced in his heart when he thought of the gummy that he had thrown into the trash can earlier.

"Thank you, cousin."

"You're welcome."

There was no emotion in Fu Zhi's voice. Before she went away, she pointed at the necklace in his hand and said in a serious voice, "Don't ever do it again."

Lu Yu'an raised his head to look at her.

"If you don't like the medical apprentices, you can always let Chu Hao know and ask him to have someone else take care of you."

"I did not do that," he said.

Fu Zhi frowned. "I know you're the one who threw the necklace away."

He was stunned. He did not say anything else, and there was a hint of nervousness in his gloomy eyes.

Fu Zhi could sense that he was angry.

Lu Yu'an did not care about the necklace. Even after losing it, he'd continued to eat and sleep as if nothing had happened at all.

When Fu Zhi had found the necklace, there had been no damage to it. Lu Yu'an had not gone into the grass to look for the necklace himself, but after he'd told Chu Hao that his necklace had gotten lost, Chu Hao had punished the two medicine apprentices who had said bad things about him behind his back during the day.

Fu Zhi felt that she had been wrong about Lu Yu'an. He was not fragile, and he definitely did not need someone to look after him.

Lu Yu'an had just wanted to punish the two medicine apprentices.

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