II -- Best Laid Plans

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His smile was just how I remembered it, slightly crooked, and unlike any other. He stopped a meter in front of me, hands jammed into his coat, which was all black again, exactly the same as before. I almost giggled at the thought of what his closet must look like, just a long row of black jackets. There was probably a drawer full of neatly folded white t-shirts, too, all exactly the same.

"Are you done?" he asked.

Fora second there I suspected he was reading my thoughts, but then I realized he was being sincere, inquiring about my work.

"Oh, yeah," I replied, fishing my keys out of my pocket as I went for the door. "Just give me a second, and I'll get your jacket."

He nodded, moving off towards the light at the end of the lane, and I sprinted. The door opened with ease, for once. I didn't even have to turn on the light, I could just grab his coat, but my hand hovered above it for a moment, as a new idea occurred to me. I flicked the light on and crossed to the staff room. I knew there wasn't a brush in there, but I used the mirror to rearrange my hair a little and apply a little lipstick. He wouldn't know, right?

I snagged his hoodie on my way out the door and took an extra moment to double-check it was locked behind me. I cast a glance over my shoulder and saw he was still there, down the street in the lamplight, except he had a cluster of young girls surrounding him. I sighed and leaned against the building, using the shadows as cover. It was too late to run interference and head them off. I hoped he didn't mind getting the attention, and if he did mind, that he didn't blame it on me.

Infact, he didn't seem agitated or in a hurry. The sounds of the city muffled their voices, and the scene struck me as oddly cute, the way he was giving his fangirls attention.

His style had been changed with the group's latest comeback. He didn't look like an angel anymore, not like he had a few months ago. His hair was darker, and swept-back, making him look taller and more fierce. He was dressed all in black, standing there with his dancer's body. I could almost make out their voices.

He accepted whatever they pushed into his hands and happily wrote his name on it. At least that's what I assumed he was doing. I was checking my watch and realizing I was probably going to be taking a taxi home late tonight. Seeing him made it worth it, though. It was only money.

Why was I angry, again? I pushed off the wall and moved to meet him as the young girls drifted away.

"Getting attention from your fangirls?" I teased.

He looked at me with that funny smile of his and laughed softly. "They were Only B." He said that like it explained everything. I was Only B, too, but I was curious to know what he meant.

"And that means...?"

I could see the little puffs of air as he breathed in the cold night air. "They are the reason Just B exists," he told me. That was a given though. I hoped he'd say more.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets again, looking more like one of my high school classmates than an idol, back rounded, features relaxed

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He stuffed his hands into his pockets again, looking more like one of my high school classmates than an idol, back rounded, features relaxed. "Only B, they are wonderful, and yet, like..." he sighed. "Like Geonu's little sister."

"Geonu has a little sister?" I had no idea.

"No. He doesn't."

This was confusing. I was afraid irritation would show in my voice. "What are you talking about? And why not like your own little sister?"

The muscles in his jawline flexed. "My sister is a little kid," he stated. "And annoying." Typical older brother.

I held his coat out to him, since I didn't know what to say, and he took it, evidently not bothered by the overly long silence that stretched between us. He was staring off into space, and then his eyes focused on me again. He leaned in close and whispered, "Only Bis like my best friend's little sister. To be protected, and yet...untouchable at the same time."

A shiver went down my spine as I felt his soft breath on my neck. Washe doing that on purpose?

"I see," I replied, and I did, sort of.

He turned away and kicked a rock so that it flew down the alley and clattered into some crates. "They always talk about me, want an autograph, and then they go."


"I can't say, 'Hey, let's find a way out onto the rooftop, or sneak into a movie without paying...'"

My mouth was disconnecting from my brain again. Because the last thing I needed was to get in trouble, but I was already throwing out my own suggestion. "Wouldn't you rather sneak into a club?"

His eyes snapped up to mine, and he gave me that Sangwoo grin. The one that showed most of his perfect teeth. Like he was really considering it.

Then, his eyes drifted lower as he studied me, taking in my work clothes. Finally, he looked down at the black hoodie he still held in his fist. "Okay with me," he laughed.

I really wanted to take those words back, but when would I have a chance like this again? Some risks were worth it.

He pushed the coat into my hands. "Put this on, so we can get going."

Oh, my God, what was I doing? The experience was totally different this time, shrugging into the warmth of his coat. I zipped it up to my chin and lifted the hood over my head before following him down the street. I had to practically run to catch up.

Can't Resist a Bad Boy -- Kim Sangwoo of JustB x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now