The Great Windbreeze and Branch's Operation

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Branch looks ahead from the bushes and see Poppy fixing two presents while Holly Darlin, Delta and Amber are watching her.

"Wow, Poppy you are so good at gift giving" Delta complimented her.

"Yeah, Poppy you're amazing at this" Amber says to Poppy as well.

"Hey, when you got it. You got it" Poppy said to them.

"Operation: Measure Poppy's head is a go" Branch says himself and goes down in the bush.

"Operation: Measure Poppy's head is a go" Branch says himself and goes down in the bush

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"... and then I realized why am I not using double-sided tape? I mean it's [ Amber, Holly and Delta notice Branch behind Poppy and trying to measure her head ] basically twice as good as single-sided tape. The clue's in the name, you know what I mean?" Poppy says to the girls.

"Uh, Branch. Whatcha doin' there little bud" Delta asked suspicious and concern.

"Oh! Hey sup" Branch says walking away from behind Poppy and her face fell when she heard his voice.

"Branch what a nice surprise" Poppy says nervously.

"Yeah surprise just came by to borrow some wrapping paper for my gift" Branch says nervously to Poppy.

Then Branch looks away and said "Woah. Poppy is this your gift swap [ picks up a blue present ] present it looks great and who's present is that?".

Then he looked at a red present with gold bow on it

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Then he looked at a red present with gold bow on it.

"Nope that one is mine and the red one is Amber's but it was Poppy that done it up do pretty" Holly explains to Branch.

"Yep she is a wrapping paper master" Amber then says.

"Sure Was. Totally" Poppy exclaims and laughs nervously.

Poppy then turns around to the girls and whispers "Guys my gift box for Branch is out in the open he's gonna know I got him".

Holly and Amber gasp and Delta says "Oh my pumpkin pie we're on it Poppy".

Amber grabbed her present from the floor and then Holly quickly grabs her present from Branch and says "Well look at the time [ laughs nervously ] we better be hitting the road".

"We gotta go um...go take care of our cats" Delta says giving thumbs up while Amber and Holly nodded in agreement.

Branch looked confused and said "Wha.. when did you get cats?"

Unable to answer that question Holly jumped into Delta's arms and started making cat noise causing Delta and Amber to laugh nervously and Holly to smile nervously and walked off.

"Okay see you around, Bye" Poppy says and waves.

"Uh [ Poppy see Holly and Delta opening a ladder and it opened and caused them to fall back ] anyway like I was saying I need to borrow some wrapping paper [ Holly and Amber get on the ladder and Delta starts passing some bushes to them to cover the name tag ] and then I'll be on my way" Branch says to Poppy while looking behind him and smiles nervously.

"Uh [ Poppy see Holly and Delta  opening a ladder and it opened and caused them to fall back ] anyway like I was saying I need to borrow some wrapping paper [ Holly and Amber get on the ladder and Delta starts passing some bushes to them to cover ...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Poppy gives Branch some wrapping paper and starts pushing him while saying "Ok! Here you go now let's get you out of here" and laughs nervously.

"Wait wait wait wait I...uh...I want to remember this" Branch says while taking out a camera.

"What why?" Poppy asked Branch confused.

"Because... Picture!" Branch started and then he started taking pictures while measuring Poppy's head.

"Perfect I'll cherish this moment forever" Branch says taking the photo and started shaking it while Poppy is rubbing her eyes from the flash of the camera.

Then he looks at the photo and gasp it showed Holly and Amber trying putting the bushes on the name tag and it showed his name and Poppy's on the name tag

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Then he looks at the photo and gasp it showed Holly and Amber trying putting the bushes on the name tag and it showed his name and Poppy's on the name tag.

"Poppy got me and [ Delta is passing some more bushes while Holly and Amber are still covering it ] the gift is so big" Branch says while freaking out.

Then he screams and runs off while Poppy saw him leaving and says while picking up a wrapping paper "Wait you forgot the wrapping paper".

"I'll probably just use grocery bag you know reuse, reduce, recycle" Branch exclaimed while running off.

Delta, Amber and Holly walked up behind Poppy and Delta says "Now that boy is odd".

"Mmm" Amber said while looking at where Branch ran off too.

"Well anyway Amber you did you get" Holly asked Amber who's holding on the her gift swap present.

Poppy and Delta looked at her and Amber smiles and says "I got Dante".

"Aww that's so sweet" Poppy exclaims and adds "And it's cute because you guys think of each other as siblings, right?".

"Ooh~ Hun now that's to adorable" Delta says while Holly nodded in agreement.

"I think it would it be so cute~ if you got Synth~" Poppy says with a smirk causing Amber to blush in embarrassment.

"Poppy stop it your making me embarrass " Amber says blushing more and causing Poppy, Holly and Delta to laugh.

"Well would you look at the time. I gotta go help Becky with her gift. Okay Bye!" Amber then exclaimed and runs off to find Becky.

The girls snicker and Holly said "I bet she's gonna kiss him under a mistletoe".

"GIRLS!!!!!!!!" Amber shouts from the distance.

Trolls: Holiday in Harmony with the girlsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz