☂︎︎𝐼𝑡 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝐼'𝑚 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔☂︎︎

Comenzar desde el principio

Her ears were filled with the dulcet tones flowing through the cracks of her door, and she knew it was Klaus. It was usually at 3 in the morning he would turn up his music loudly and get higher than the buildings of New York. Klaus, turn the music down, and stop smoking that shit! It's bad for your lungs. But Taylor~ it's called 3 am vibes! Care to join me? Sorry, I don't smoke. Thanks. She should've accepted his offer. Maybe he would tonight?

The wooden floors creaked as she swiftly crawled out of bed, and made her way down the hallway. Each of the kids' rooms were dark and quiet. Small wires traveled out of them, and into Reginald's office. Most likely he was still up experimenting on the kids like he regularly did, so she had to change her pace into carefully planned tip toes. A dim light illuminated from his room, and her heart beat painfully in her chest. Was she really about to do this? Maybe it was for the best. It will make her forget for a while at least. Don't think about the future, and the consequences. Just get it over with.

The voices in Taylor's head broke out into a protest when she cracked open Klaus's door, finding him slightly hanging off his bed upside down, with a joint hanging from his lips. His eyes were closed, and his feet danced to the music. It smelt horrid in his room, but she ignored it as she approached him.

"Klaus?" Taylor whispered, trying not to startle him.

Klaus's eyes opened, and he whirled around to prop his body up on his elbows with a grin. "Taylor! What's up, my favorite sibling?" Even though she just moved in, Klaus already considered her a part of the family. He knew that she didn't really have much of one before, so he tried his best to make her childhood up for her. It seemed as though he was the only one who truly cared for her, besides Five. Let's not get into much detail about him.

She didn't respond as she sat next to him, and her eyes froze in a tired daze. For a moment, she had forgotten why she was there in the first place, until Klaus asked, "Is everything okay?"

When she looked at him, he had already sat up in a criss-cross, and was facing towards her in a relaxed manner. Just the way he was sitting made her feel comfortable enough to open up to him, but this time, she didn't. Recently, she didn't know how.

"Remember the time when you offered me a hit?" Taylor avoided the question. She came to realize that she needed this as soon as possible. Her thoughts were growing worse again. Not just about her dad, but about everything.

A pause. "I think I do." His dark curls fell onto his face when he cocked his head. "Why? Are you taking up on my offer?"

"N-no. I mean, yes. Wait, l-like I mean..." Words stumbled out of her mouth before she could even bother forming a sentence, and he found it humorous. White smoke puffed through his mouth when he laughed.

"I'm guessing you're trying to say yes?"

Taylor's mumbling paused, and she looked down and nodded. She felt ashamed; however, she was with her best friend, so it didn't matter. Well, would everything matter here soon?

His hand slightly shook as he reached up to take the weed out of his mouth, and he continued. "Now, I'm not trying to encourage you to start, girlfriend, but if this is what you want, you need to commit to it." The bed shifted as he reached down to grab a metal box, what seemed to be an Umbrella Academy lunch box, from underneath his bed. He popped it open, and it revealed all different kinds of shit he collected for himself to use then or later. It was a surprise he was even willing to share.

"If dad ever asks, it wasn't me who made you start." He laughed quietly to himself, as he watched her scan the drugs quietly. Which fate do you want to choose? A voice in her mind asked her over and over again. She eventually chose.

𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢. [𝐴𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛/𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora