The Gift

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"Sissy, what the hell is this?", asked Tim.

Sissy didn't say anything. It would have been concerning if she did, her being a cat and all.

Still, he felt a little provoked, not only by her lack of an answer, but also by what he had just found on his bed.

What WAS it, anyway?

It didn't look like anything, really, more like packaging for something else than something in and pf itself.

A small, black cube, not a dice or anything, black, black all around.

Was there something inside?

Tim went into the kitchen, put on rubber gloves, who knew where she found that cube, went back, took a seat onto the bed and picked it up, turned the cube in his hands, looked at it from all sides.

Maybe it was some kind of fancy jewelry box, he had thought.

But he couldn't find any way to open it.

He fiddled with it a bit longer, gave up, put it on his desk.

Sissy jumped on the desk, looked at the cube.

Tim went to get his toolbox, or, more specifically, the hammer in it. He would not be defeated by a box.

But when he came back, it had already opened.

There was no lid, no visible mechanism, nothing. Just like than, one side of the cube; the top one; had disappeared.

Tim went to see what was inside, IF there was something inside, but, deep down, he knew there would be, and, even deeper, he already knew what was in the box, he had known almost his entire life, since that day, that fateful, cursed day, that he'd so desperately tried to forget.

"Oh my god."

Tim hadn't said anything.

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