Weirdcore OC

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(Picture of him above, very quick drawing, art is mine. Edit: I will most likely add more things to his design so its not that bland)

Physical appearance:

-The only color known so far is his red thing (You know what that is)

-His head is a TV and in the middle is one eye

-He has no arms, legs, or even a mouth, although he has feet, hands, and a body

Things about him so far:

-He goes by he/him, they/them, or it/its

-He was actually built to kill, but instead he doesn't

-He's on a weird planet (The weird planet isn't named anything) with strange animals, one resembles a deer, but they have two heads and are extremely dangerous. (That's of course not the only animal) Not to mention the color scheme on them is... strange (but hey, its a different planet)

-He can talk in TV static, and can talk in a "gentleman" like-tone, at times.

-His TV head can't break : ) so don't even try

-He is Aroace and Gender Neutral

-Has more of a 'out of this world' name due to being made on a different planet but I might call him Aero sometimes (unless that changes)

-Mans has a terrible memory

-He is actually great friends with Misty (my alter ego in case you were wondering), don't ask how Misty got on the planet, even Misty doesn't know (she was originally going to teleport somewhere else, but then somehow teleported to that planet).

-Misty is still trying to teach him most things... (because he was made on a different planet and he really didn't know anything about our planet)

Personality: He has actually pretty friendly, you would have to really do something REALLY bad to make him mad, or even make him kill you. He's very naive.

Alias: TV man

Likes: Misty protecting him, 

Dislikes: Being eletrocuted by any drink (though of course it doesn't kill him, it just makes him malfuction for a few minutes), being forced to kill, not being able to try foods (he has no mouth, and he cant eat things with his eye unlike Bill Cipher. No, my oc isnt inspired by Bill I didnt know of him back then), 

Picture below is him wearing a santa hat, also a way better drawing of him

Picture below is him wearing a santa hat, also a way better drawing of him

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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