His opening scripture: "Please stand." He told the congregation. "Our opening scripture for today is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. This particular passage has kept me through the hardest of times. It might be a familiar passage" he continued on. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." He finished. "Amen, you may be seated." He said, "That passage has been the foundation of my marriage with my beautiful wife, Karen of over 20 plus years." The Bishop said, "And not once have love failed us." He continued on earning an amen from the crowd minutes into his sermon the Bishop was giving a testimony of how the last year went in church as everybody was up on their feet he was goin' off.

"God has kept us through!" Bishop said as he had to step away from the podium and the church said, "AMEN!" In response, "When the devil tried to take my wifeee." The Bishop shouted. "The spirit of depression had its bounds upon ha. BUT I WOULD NOT GIVE UP. I PRAYED TO JESUS TO BRING HURRR HOMEE, PROTECT HER MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT THE SHACKLES HAVE BEEN LIFTED YESS, GODD, THE CHAINS HAVE BEEN BROKEN, OH FATHER GOD IN THE NAME OF JESUS!" The Bishop preached on making the crowd stand up as the drummer was startin' the shoutin' music. "I SPOKE LIFE OVER MY WIFE, OVA MY FAMILYYY THE DEVIL WOULD NOT TAKE THEM NO MATTER WHAT HELL HE PUT US THROUGH! WE MADE IT OUT THE FIRE WHAT WAS ASHES, GOD MADE IT BEAUTIFUL!" The Bishop shouted again as he was now further away from the podium and suddenly, broke out into a praise break.

She stood listening to her husband nodding her head clapping along to the music as the spirit of the holy ghost was filling her up again knowing time and time again that this man has truly loved her and will continue to do so. Once the Bishop got done preaching the choir was up next as everyone was still shoutin' and calmin' down. When the choir started singing in the midst of what was going on they were just doing something to her today. It was like she was getting reacquainted with the holy ghost all over again as she felt something fiery burn within her. The next minute she knew her body was jerking and she was shouting in her seat. Her arms wrapped around her body speaking in tongues shouting in between still in her seat as her sisters, Jackie and Dorinda surrounded her covering her.

"mmhm go on first lady" members of the congregation started to say with their hands raised out towards her knowing it was Karen beginning to shout for the first time in a long time. Then her shouts became even louder as she popped up from her seat. Twinkie snuck in a little shoutin' music that still matched with playing Blessed assurance. Twinkie shook her head in awe knowing that their baby sister was back in action. "GO ON, KAREN!" Twinkie shouted from the organ as she continued to play signaling to her sisters to help her as she knew, Karen was going to be deep into the holy ghost that she was probably gonna past out if it over took her completely.

When the song was over, Karen had most definitely past out from the holy ghost taking over her body. When that happened both Jacky and Dorinda was on each side of Karen fanning her since she fainted right back in her seat rather than out on the floor which they were grateful so they wouldn't have to had to bring out the white sheets to cover her until she woke back up.

Right before church service ended she woke back up and Jacky handed her a cold bottle of water for her to drink.

To be continued...


~Fun Fact: I actually had a diff. video up here which was this one (Y'all don't really have to listen to this one) but this was the original video that I had and I accidentally found the main one that's posted up top after I had finished writing this chapter. When I talk about ironic cause look at God 🤣👏🏾. But I decided to use "The storm is passing over" well because of it's closely related to the title of my book and also, it's more fitting than "Blessed Assurance" even though I thought this song was fitting too.

The Bishop was preachin'! (He actually did say nigga) once in church about a man who was starin' at a pic of Karen too long on his phone the way he said it was funny so, I decided to use it. But make it a lil different. So, we know know that he really don't play bout hurr. 🤣👏🏾

What y'all think about Faith finally sittin' with her mama in church? 🥺♥️

What y'all think about this chapter?

Aight so, the First Lady caught the Holy Ghost. She ain't past out too hard cause Jacky and Dorinda caught her.

I had to give y'all a church chapter cause these next few chapters whewww.

Y'all ready for vacation fun-filled activities? 🌚

Thoughts or comments?

Thanks for reading!

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