Chapter 1

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(Note: This is up to interpretation, but I have them written more as humans than cookies. So they have hands, mouth, etc. They also can use water. I still have them with their original names but they resemble humans unlike the games. So, changes will be made to designs, obviously. Such as, Herb won't have leaves for hair and other characters won't have fruits and sweets on their heads. So just hair and normal skin tones+features will likely change.

TL;DR: They're like humans in this story. Same name, getting rid of character designs with food on the body.

Thanks for reading :])

(Also fruitcake is herbs bf)



A loud alarm sang it's morning course, agitating those in earshot—Herb being unlucky enough to hear it. Of course, this started his first day at the new job. He had anticipated this day for a week and was super excited for it. He's making bucks that could save his relationship, so why wouldn't he be?

Herb arose from his slumber. Well, not much of rising, but tossing and turning as he rubbed his eyes. He turned to his phone and pressed the off button to silence the alarm. He hesitantly removed the covers off of himself and pushed out of bed. His feet hit the soft rug beneath the bed and allowed him some comfort—besides the fact his ankles weren't used to the pressure yet.

Herb went to his closet with half-lidded eyes and attempted to pick something decent out. He eventually settled on some clothes and laid them out. He then went to his bathroom to mess with his appearance and such.

He first grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and began brushing his teeth. He put the items away then turned on the sink.

Herb used his hands to cup some of the water  and then splashed the liquid onto his face. He did this a few times until he felt clean and—somewhat—awake. He straightened out his bright green hair then went back to his clothes.

He took off his AC/DC T-shirt and threw it in a corner. He loved that band and it mostly got him through sleepless nights. He slightly winced at the mistreatment of his merch, but shrugged it off after a moment.

He took the quarter-sleeved shirt from the hanger and slipped it over his head. He then took off the athletic shorts he was wearing and put on the pants he picked out. He threw on some random ankle socks and finished his outfit with his dress shoes... well almost finished.

Herb finished the looked by adding a tan coat. He looked at himself in the mirror with a smile. He had a white, tight-fitting turtleneck on, and some black skinny jeans. Along with the jacket and shoes but those weren't as important.

His dressing style wasn't exactly deemed "masculine" but he didn't care. Sure, he got nervous occasionally, but the business seemed to overflow with a sense of support, so he was sure that the people there wouldn't be a problem. Hell, the owner even shared this sense of clothing style... the difference was that he pulled it off better.

Herb thought about him... Sparkling, was it? He looked kind and his outfit definitely complimented his personality: Bold. That couldn't be said for Herb, however. Quite the opposite. His outfits seem to radiate rebel vibes. Not bad kid, just stepping out of the social norm box. Which he was introverted, so this definitely was not like him.

His boyfriend never approved of his outfit choices. But he couldn't do much. They were saving the money for therapy, it was important for them, and the outfit was not. No matter how many times Herb was yelled at for it, it wouldn't be worth taking money from the jar.

Herb sighed as he stared at himself in the full-body mirror. He looked good, but he couldn't see past the anger Fruitcake would have once he laid eyes on him. Herb looked towards the digital clock that faced his bed.


He was going to be late if he didn't hurry. He didn't have time to change into anything different so he ran out, grabbing his phone from under his pillow on the way. He went to his kitchen and grabbed his keys.

He sped towards the front door, swiftly leaving the house. He was so speedy he forgot to lock the door. No problem, there wasn't any crime in his neighbourhood anyway. He maneuvered to the closest sidewalk and kept on the path. It wasn't too bad of a walk from here, so he never complained to his boyfriend.

Fruitcake borrowed his car everyday, he practically owned it. It's odd because.. even though Herb legally owned the car, he wasn't allowed to use it. Fruitcake was scared he would drive off and be with other people. He was very protective—a "little" too much.

Eventually, after a few turns and street-crosses, Herb made it. "Juice Bar" was printed on most of the windows, along with some advertising. It truly looked like a chain instead of just a family-owned-kind-of-thing. It truly puzzled Herb how somebody could put so much passion into something like this, let alone keep it functioning.

Herb crossed the parking lot, only a few cars were there, so it likely wasn't opening for a little bit. Herb approached the door and pushed it open. He gazed at the decor and lighting.

It was clearly a fancy-type bar, but the locals wouldn't make you think that. Half of them came in looking like deadbeats. Minus the occasional there for visit who actually thought it was something to dress classy for.

He had already been in, but before it looked different. Maybe since it was morning and not afternoon. But that wouldn't make sense... usually it would change at night, right? Not lunch... that had his mind in a loop.

Herb only stopped thinking when a partially familiar voice beckoned him. He turned his head when his name was called. He locked eyes with his caller and was met with a suave smirk. He could feel his gut drop. He presumed it was just him being nervous... of course, this was the first interaction he had with his boss, aside from the interview, so it made sense. He had to make a good impression.

Sparkling was behind the bar, wiping some cups that had been washed from the night previous. His eyes glistened, "Welcome, Herb! I hope you like the new lights," his smirk still remained as he continued, "I saw you examine them so I hope your weren't thinking too negative."

The blonde chuckled as he removed himself from his work station. He walked towards Herb and held out his hand, "I hope you find working here pleasant." Herb looked down to his hand before shaking it. He smiled as he looked up to Sparkling, "I'm sure it'll be grand."


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