I couldn't help but smile a little. Her shyness is so adorable. About a year of getting to know her I found myself thinking about her, I had feelings for her but I knew I couldn't tell her. She is my patient and I'm her doctor. Also, I didn't want to get sued for sexual harassment or anything, not that she would be the one to pursue it but I do have haters lurking. Now, hearing that she likes me brings me relief. 

"The feeling's mutual", I said.


"You don't have to apologize for how you feel. Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Uh...wait. Are we doing this...now", she asked as she pointed between us.

I chuckle.

"Sorry Ms. Marshall. As much as I adore you, I can't break the rules, not even for you."

"Of course. I wouldn't want you to do that."

We got up again to talk a walk around the garden. I learned that Clara is a flower expert too as I listened to her name the different types and the bugs that live off of them.

"You don't have to answer but...what now that...well now that you're free. You have no one to stop you anymore", I said as I went off-topic.

"I don't know. I thought I would be super excited but...I don't know. It doesn't feel real yet. I'm still scared that my mo-...that lady...will come back even though she's...dead."

I took a moment to think. 

"Well...after you're discharged from here...you can stay with me and my family."

"Huh? Really?"

"You don't have anywhere to go."

"Yeah but I can't intrude on your family like that."

"They won't mind, especially my mom. She would be very happy actually."

"I'll just be a weird stranger there."

"You are no stranger. You're special to me and I want to make sure you're taken care of."

She turned to hug me. She was so happy, that's something I always want to do for her, she deserves it.


It's been a few weeks since we both have been discharged from the hospital. I was supposed to a while ago but I didn't sign myself out until Clare was done with her treatments. 

"Ready to go", I asked.


I helped load her stuff in the taxi and then we were off. When we arrived at my house Clara looked at it with awe. She got out of the car to get a better look.

"This is your house? All of it?"

"Yes. I guess it's not a traditional size house but it's home and it's a house my mom always wanted. If it's too much we can downsize somewhere else."

"No way. I would never have you do that."

After I took the last of the bags out of the car, I meet up with her. She turned to look at me.

"We don't have to do that right now...I mean if you ever saw yourself like...living with me...unless I'm just reading this all wrong."

She giggled.

"I never knew a guy who would do so much for me, even want to live with me without even kissing me first."

"That's not important to me. You make me happy, not kissing or sex...uh..."

She blushed. 


We both jumped.

My mom came bursting out the door with a big smile on her face.


She headed straight for Clara first and gave her the biggest hug which caught her off guard. Her expression made me laugh a little. My mom is Puerto Rican so she can be a bit much to those who are not used to her. 

"My you are so pretty in person!"

Clara was blushing so hard.

"Oh thank you", she said with a smile.

"Come in, come in. I have some food ready."

Clara didn't have a choice as my mom pushed her inside the house. As my mom occupied Clara's time I took the time to bring her things to my room. After I was done, I went to the kitchen to join them. 

"Dimitri you never told me your colorful family background. Well I guess I could have guessed it by your name", says Clara.

"My mom is going off on our childhood stories again?"

"Of course! I was just telling her how I fell for your father, his Russian accent was the icing on the cake."

"Aww. Do you speak any Russian or Spanish", Clara said.

"Very little but I had to focus on my studies."

"We never taught them our languages. It's not a bad thing but for us, them having an education and a better life was more important. Besides, there are other ways to celebrate your culture, my favorite is through food", mom said.

"I can tell, it's so good!"

"I will teach you everything I know."

I sat down next to Clara with my bottle of soda.

"Besides, it's important for my future daughter-in-law to know how to cook."

I felt the burn as soda came spraying out my nose.

"Eww, see mom he is gross", Sadie said.

She and Clara were laughing. My mom gave me some napkins. 

"Mom...why are you...jumping to conclusions?!"

She shrugged. "I'm not wrong am I? Moms know things."

"It would be nice to have another girl here", Sadie said.

"Like a sister I always wanted...since I never had one", Clara said.

"Exactly. See you were meant to be here all along", Sadie said.

The two laughed. I watched her, she looks so happy here, she belongs here. 

"Are you into music Clara", Sadie asked.

"I never listen to much."

"What?! I have to introduce you to Coldplay. I've had them on reply for days. Come on."

Clara followed Sadie.



"You really think she is the one for me?

"If things feel right, that should give you the answer."

She then walked away.

I know things happened so fast but is it okay to go further?

Rx: ClaraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ