New Girl

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I pretty much spend all my time in here or in the nurses office. A girl around my age walks in looking extremly confused. I give her a once-over. She has long brown, wavy hair, blue eyes. She's tall but, not freakishly tall. She has a lanyard with two keys on it and a mini fox plushie keychain. She's pretty and seems a bit shy. I notice.
"Ummm..., do I get my schedule here?" She asks me nervously. I nodd and quickly look away. After a moment I look back at her. I don't know why but, I introduce myself.
"My name's Daniela, you can call me Danny... I guess." I say. She suddenly looks relieved.
"I'm Elizabeth, call me Lizzie." She says happily. Lizzie looks at me as if exited. Why is she so happy?, I think confused.
Ms. Patterson, walks in. She completely ignores me and looks at Lizzie.
"May I help you." She asks her kindly.
"Can I have my ...schedule please...?" Lizzie trails off.
"Of course!" Ms. Patterson chirps.
She scurries over to her desk. Riffling through her papers.
"Elizabeth King?" She asks. Lizzie looks up.
"Yes, mam." She says respectfully. Ms. Patterson looks through her files some more. Finally she takes out a yellow sheet and hands it over to Lizzie. "Daniela why don't you show Elizabeth here around, after all your schedules are the same." Ms. Patterson asks me. More like orders . Wait...same schedules? Is that even possible? Lizzie beams at me.
"Really!" She says excitedly. I look at her a little annoyed. She's way too bubbly for a teenager. At least in my opinion. I pick up my things. Well, looks like I'm stuck with her, might as well get to it already. I look over at Lizzie and motion towards the door with my arm. I notice her backpack. It's practically empty. She's carrying a black spiral and a neon green pen. I walk out with Lizzie right behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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